
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "jacb"
I was told that this shrub (about 4 ft tall) is Drimys but looking for your take on it. It's in a dry semi-shady spot and obviously not thriving (it never flowers) and I've never been successful at propagating it. Is it Drimys and is it too big to be moved?
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She has this almond tree which is struggling and she wonders if it is because her soil seems to be mostly acidic.

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This plant is about 5ft high and I think it has white bell-shaped flowers in spring but not 100% on that; I hope the photo is evidence enough! It's also now being squeezed on both sides.

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Drimys. When would be the better time to move this 4ft shrub - autumn or early spring?

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There is a bad looking split in the base of this juniper. I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to save it and if it's not a problem, is its position of hanging over a wall in a sunny, well-drained (almost dryish...) spot not a good one for it?

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I sent in a not very good photo of this plant to you and you suggested it might be tritonia; I'm attempting a better shot, as I read that tritonia only flourishes in mild climates and this one has survived two very bad winters! It's about5 inches high. Many thanks for such a great site!

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