
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "joan1_dublin"

I plan to work on my daughter's garden this coming weekend, and would like your advice on how to get rid of the moss that has taken over the flower beds. Also what can we do to improve the soil. There is a box hedge surrounding the bed which is doing ok but the plants in it are not doing well. We would be happy to clear it and start again.

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My son in law has a Red Robin tree in the garden of his recently bought house in Swords, so we can't tell how old it is. It is about 8 ft tall. He asked me about it today as it has black spot on the green leaves and the new red leaves are shrivelled and crispy, but not falling off. The spots are black and not red which makes me think it is not the disease that this tree can get. Could it be from the recent cold winds or frost? Would appreciate your advise.

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About 3 to 4 years ago I planted Flame Creeper at the base of a Japonica shrub growing against a north facing wall. Thought it would give colour when the Japonica finished flowering. The creeper has now started to spread deep in the soil and I am afraid it is going to 'take over'. I think it may be on it's way into the neighbour's garden! If I have to lose the Japonica which is there years, so be it. Can you please tell me how I can kill it?

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I sowed some Auricula seed I purchased at the RHS Malvern Show last year and have been successful in raising some plants. However, only two plants have produced flowers so far this spring. I fed them about twice in the last few months with tomato feed. They are in a cold greenhouse but have got the sun in the last month. I am wondering is there anything I can do to get the rest to flower.

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I have been growing Courgettes for a number of years now and have some success, but some failures. Some of the courgette form and start to grow, but then begin to rot from the flower end when they are quite small. Out of about 10 courgettes this year, so far I have had three that grew well. I am growing them in pots, outdoor, and water them every night. I grow them from seed and vary the variety from year to year, but the same thing happens. Can you help, please?

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