
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "johnnyblackrock"
I have a large "Rambling Rector" rose which has been completely blown down in the wind, including the trellisses. Would it be possible to cut the whole thing near the ground? Will that kill it or will it grow back next year?
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This seems to be affecting my victoria plums. Will the whole crop be lost? Is there anything I can spray the tree with to stop it happening next year? (lost entire crop 2 years ago due to constant rain, no crop last year due to very late sharp frost)

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I bought two big bags of bulbs in the autumn - daffs and native bluebells, didn't get around to planting them and then the snow came.... Can they still be planted? Can they be stored until next autumn?

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I have been growing runner beans for the past few years and have never had any problems. This year everthing was perfect until a couple of days ago when suddenly a whole lot of the leaves shriveled up as if they needed water. I watered them but the problem persists. Is this some kind of virus? Will it affect the actual beans?

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Could you please help me to identify this weed which keeps coming up in my lawn and flowerbeds. It is in at least 20 places at the moment. I mow the lawn and it comes up again. How can it be eradicated?

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