
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "kilkenny-cat"

I have a number of Erysimum (Bowles Mauve) plants. Should these be trimmed back to ground level or just pruned and will they grow back again?

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I have a numer of weigela plants. They are in flower at the moment, but the cats are eating the flowers. Why do they do this and is it normal?

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I got a present of a plum tree (Prunus Domestica Victoria). I was told that it was a minature, but not the height or spread. It's about 3 foot high at this stage, but what height will it grow to? I planted it a few weeks ago, but I think that I planted it too close to a wall. Is it possible to move it at this time without killing it or what would be the best time to move it? There are lots of leaves on it at this stage.

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When is the best time to divide rhubarb?

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Can you compost rhubarb leaves?

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