
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "laddy"

Any treatment to remove lots of mushrooms from a lawn. My understanding was they feed on dead wood etc and once that decomposes they will go, however I seem to be getting more and more each year. Digging out source not an option. There are at several different varieties all poisonous I expect. I put Lim capsules out last year but no effect on mushrooms.

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I have a bright green moss invading my flower beds, it doesn't seem to respond well to roundup, and picking is not very effective as there is too much to use as permanent workaround. Any ideas to kill permanently would be appreciated.

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Ive got few questions.Is it too early to scarify? Can you spray dicophar directly after and apply feed aswell? Trying to get sorted before Winter. Also, when scarifying should you go in few diff directions, or just over the area once in one direction?

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I've got a rough ditch boundary at 1 side of my property. It is mainly blackthorn, briars etc and looks messy and fairly bare in Winter. I have managed to level off the top and front and would like to try and cover it somehow - as it cant be removed or replanted etc . Looking for some vigorous climbers that will cover the ditch and make it look more interesting. Something evergreen with flowers..and little maintenance as I only want to have to top hedge each Summer going forward.

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I got a Laurel hedge growing around our property. On one side it is bordered by post and rail fence lawn, and the other is a steep bank. Majority of hedge is thriving, however, one section (about 6yrds) is lagging way behind. It is about half the width of surrounding hedge, and not as high, all planted at the same time. It has been quite yellow, so i have been feeding this section weekly for past few weeks with Phostrogen. The ground is clay, but doesnt seem to be affecting the rest of hedge prob in region of 120yrds in total. Doesnt seem to be water logging. There have been flowers on it and growth, and now some green bulbs on sections. so it is growing, just not as well, any ideas on how to improve it to the level of the others plants?

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I planted my new laurel hedge last Sat. My garden centre said Laurel should thrive in my clay soil - is this true, is there anything I can do in the way of feeding looking after it to make sure it does thrive? I put a shovel of compost in with each plant. Also, is there anything I can do - to strenghten the plants in preperation for this coming winter? Cover the base with grass trimmings etc?

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