
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "laser"
After this hard winter all of our 18 year old Olearialook dead no foliage at all.Will these recover or is it a case of removing all of them.If I cut them down what do you suggest as Regards the stumps as they are large.What would you suggest as a replacement as they lined our drive up to the house and provided shelter.
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Our roadside hedge escallonia has died after the cold winters.What hedge would you recommend that will withstand the cold,our soil is heavy clay, what would you think of hornbeam.Would it hold its leaves over the winter.Is it ok to plant the new hedge directly in the same spot once our 20 year old hedge is removed? We have also lost olearias,bottlebrush, 30what would you recommend as replacement shrubs.

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Planted out savoy cabbage about 6 weeks ago. Doing well. Now some of the plants are been eaten. All that remains is like a grey dust.All I can see is very small cream like bugs.Any idea what they are and how to treat.

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I am laying edging bricks around a section of my lawn.What is the correct level to set them for mowing later on. Level with about an inch of grass, level with soil or just below soil level.

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