
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "lja"

I have 2 wonderful pots filled with purple and white petunias. They are growing rapidly and over taking the small shrub I planted in the middle, which I dont miond for now as they look amazing. Whilst I can prun back now - how do I prepare them at the end of the summer when flowering has ceased for the winter? Do i cut back to the base?

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I have planted quite a number of sun flowers in a propagatorI transferred them today. ( as shown 2 small pots ) When should i plant them outdoors.? 44being ambitious I planted more and when I watered the seeds in the bucket they all moved together. Now I have about 15 very closey spaced and about 3 inches above soil. If I separate them will I kill them or is there any harm letting them grow up as they are?

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I planted daffs. crocus, tulips and bluebells inNov, would these be damaged by the frost beneath ground.I also had about 20 of last years daffs poking through and tips are now frost bitten, will they survive?

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Just wondering is it best to take up bulbs each year, dry and store?I heard Daffs are better left in the ground as they multiply? Which ones are better left in and which taken out?

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What on earth, excuse the pun, does this mean. I am very much a beginner but am seeing this on packets of bulbs whilst browsing.

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My clematis flowered purple late in the summer, beautiful. It grew upwards and only spread out one side. I trained it up a trellis. Its died off now, brown. I am afraid to cut it back incase it dosnt grow as much next year. if you keep cutting them back each year, where do you cut them back to?Also does it grow faster each year the older it gets?

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