
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "marylimerick"

My beautiful 15 year old Cornus Controversa Variagata has some dead branches on it this spring and other branches are quite sparse with buds growing up instead of laterally. The rest of the branches look quite healthy. Should I cut off the dead branches and the buds that are growing upwards. Do you think I could lose the tree. There is no sign of insect damage or any other damage on the tree.

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My 12 year old Cornus has been sending up suckers for years now under the base of the tree. The leaves of the suckers are different and grow straight up so maybe they're coming from the original graft.I keep cutting them but more grow in their place and are spreading right out under the tree. What can I do? The tree is surrounded by gravel.

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I have just spread Sulphate of Iron for moss together with Sulphate of Ammonia to feed the lawn. The moss has already turned black. How long can I wait before I can scarify the lawn.

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.I'm trying to get rid of two bamboo plants. I've dug up one, root and all, (I didn't spray)but the other is a bigger plant and and has spread further. Help please. It has spread to an area of about 18sq metres up against a beautiful Wisteria. What do I do?

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