
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "merienne"
My backgarden is southfacing and sheltered, but lower than neighbours garden so rather wet at the southern edge. High stonewall to the south, so quite shaded. I'd like to plant a small tree or large bush in the southwest corner, but don't know what would work with the wet soil and partial shade. Would love something white flowering. "Plantfinder" didn't find any suggestions. Would a magnolia tree work? Or a big hydrangea bush? Or what else? Would also appreciate help on when to plant and what compost to use around the tree/shrub?
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First winter in Ireland as a garden owner...In summer I planted viburnum, olive tree and cherry blossom tree in large pots. After wrapping the plants in farmers fleece, and pots in bubble wrap, do I water them at all during winter? Is it better to keep them in dark shed or on shed porch during winter?Should I replant cherry blossom tree directly in soil now, or wait to spring?Keep lavender, dianthus, dicentra and saxifraga in their pots, or move them to raised bed for winter?Anything I can do to prepare my 6 month old clematis for winter?

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