
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "mpmk"

I planted a bottlebrush plant 4 weeks ago and the flowers are just out and are fantastic, but I've noticed that the upper leaves have brown tips/spots, this is probably because I didn't water enough the first few days, should I pick this leaves off? Will that leave a gap on the stem? Will the plant survive, am watering every day now.

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We planted Griselinia hedge 2 years ago along the driveway into our house, about 10 of the plants didn't take, my in-laws have huge Griselinia plants let grow wild in their drive so I was wondering if it's possible to take cuttings from their hedge to replace those that didn't take in mine? If so, how do I do this and when is the right time to do this? Also when is the correct time to trim the hedge?

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I've spent weeks strimming and weeding a big area that will eventually be covered with weed barrier/stones, but until that day I just want the area kept clear of weeds/grass. After clearing it, I sprayed with Roundup, but when new weeds/grass started growing, I found out that Roundup only kills active plants. I read somewhere that Pathclear prevents germination for up to 3 months, so a week ago I resprayed the area with Pathclear, but weeds/grass haven't died off yet. Am I using the wrong weedkiller? I measured the water correctly so had the right mix.

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Our lawn is full of clover, daisies and moss. I have read your messages on how to treat the above, but need advice as to the order we should tackle the problems and how much time should we leave between treatments. When should we spread sulphate of iron? I've found a weedkiller that contains mecoprop, when can I spray this? Finally what brandname is a good high nitrogen fertilizer and when do I spray this? Ta.

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We have an escallonia hedge with the kerbing varing from one foot to three foot out from the hedge, the area has a weed barrier and stones and is unplanted. Frond like weeds appear between the hedge and the kerbing which are a melt to pick. I was wondering if I could spray roundup on this area and if so how close can I spray to the hedge?

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