
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "muriel_wexford"
I live in the country. A deer appeared in our garden and ate all of the leaves off of 3 rose bushes and an arbutus plant. Apart from the obvious damage of all of the leaves being gone, Will these bushes recover? Do I need to prune or treat them? someone told me that the deer saliva might damage plant and I should prune them back.
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Is it too late to move a liquidamber tree now?

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I was at the Bloom festival and heard Dermot O'Neill talking about strawberries. He recommended a variety Royal Soverign - I ordered 6 plants of this over the internet and am waiting on their delivery. Now I am wondering1- is it too late to sow them ? 2 - if not, can I grow them plant them in containers as I don't have a glasshouse or suitable plot.3 - is there any specific compost for strawberries 4- how many can I grow in 18" round containers?

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We moved in to a new house 2 years ago. We have a space of approx. 40ft x 50ft which we hope to plant as an orchard and small veg patch. We want to sow varieties of cooking apples, eating apples, plums, pears and maybe cherry trees. Somebody mentioned to us to get dwarf varieties, then we would be able to pick the fruits easily - would you agree? Also what type of each species would you recommend? Also what breed of rhubarb is nice - want to cook with it, so need a sweet variety. Thank you Muriel

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