
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "namloc"

My Hyacinth Carnegie and Muscari blue grape variety are now falling back but I've noticed small tomatoe type growth on the stems. Are these new seeds/bulbs ? and what should I do with them. Also how far back should I cut out of season stems such as above and tulips for.

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Is it too late to prune my plum tree.? Other websites suggest June .The tree is about three years old and is all over the place.I never did prune it at all as I was led to believe you did'nt need to.I did get a reasonable crop this year for the first time.

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I have what appears to be a good healthy crop of Record potatoes. However on closer inspection quite a few of the leaves have little holes in them and the outer tips of same are discoloured with a dark blue/purple tinge.I have already sprayed them with Dithane 945 approx. a couple of weeks ago and intend to do again now.Should I be concerned ?

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Wasps have taken a great liking to my apples ( Katja and Discovery).I have sprayed them with 'Bug Clear for fruit and veg'.It does'nt appear to be working very well, can you recommend anything else ?

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I grew giant sunflowers this year with great success even if the flowering was slow and then short lived.However I'm of the opinion that these flowers are just a one off and you must start from scratch again next year. Is this so ?

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My two year old apple tree (KATJA ) has produced a wonderful crop for the first time and are delicious.However I have been told that I should not pick them all this time round.I'm not sure why as they will fall off eventually anyway. Is it something to do with energy or is it a rerun of the Biblical story of Adam in his garden ?

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