
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "noirin"
I have a plastic compost bin. When I open the lid loads of earthworms fall down. Where do they come from? Are they on way in or way out?
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I got two packets of Nemoslug and used them on my veg plots, but I am wondering will the slugs travel from the untreated parts of the garden to the plots. the garden is large and I couldn't treat it all.
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I have 5 Ailsa Craig tomatoes growing in my unheated greenhouse. They were doing very well and had six trusses each. I read that the top should be pinched out after the sixth truss appears so that the tomatoes would develop. Soon after I pinched out the top, the tomatoes started to wilt and now look very sad.They have been watered and fed regularly but the greenhouse is quite cold because of the poor weather and the greenhouse has a few gaps between the glass and walls.

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The leaves on some of my loganberries are shrivelled and yellowing. The berries are hard and not ripening. The remainder of the plants are ok but cropping poorly.Any ideas what might be causing it?

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Something has eaten all the leaves off my gooseberries. I have checked for sawfly but cannot see anything on the few remaining leaves (which are at the very base of one bush, the other is completely denuded). Any ideas? I thought maybe birds but no other plants seem to be affected. Thanks.

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