
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "noneill1"

I would love to grow Virgina Creeper or Boston Ivy on my Garage wall, but I am reading on some web sites that they may damage the wall itself, seems this is more the case for Boston Ivy....Other sites then seem to contradict this.Have u experienced this..? thanks

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Hi Gerry, I would like to grow some climbers (Boston Ivy or Virgina Creeper with Varigated Ivy ) to climb up a trelis and cover the front of a Garage wall.I will need to grow these in a timber rectangular box I intend to make.... question is... how deep would the box need to be for these climbers, I am thinking 18" deep by about 12" wide....would that be big enough to support these climbers ?... thanks !!

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Hi Gerry
I Recently bought this Lobelia 'St Elmo's Fire'. I have young kids and am hearing now that this could be poisonous....Is this true..thanks 🙂 NULL 2008-04-20 17:48:27
59 I have read your answer how to get rid of moss, but I have more questions. My garden had lots of trees around it but they have been cut down, so now i need to deal with the ever growing problem of moss:

1. Do i need to areate or scarify the lawn beforehand?

2. Is it a good time to scarify the lawn now or have i left it just that bit late?

Thanks for the advice,


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