
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "paulineb"

What is the best way to treat this plant to help it flower again next season. It has such a gorgeous intricate tiny flower and really lovely foliage that I'd love to keep it growing. At the moment the one stem is lovely and thick and solid. I am not watering it since the flowers died back. But is there any particular care I should be giving it?

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When we open the lid of the compost bin (first season using it) there seem to be hundreds of flies which all swarm out over the person lifting the lid. Yeugh! So the best option is throw the lid back and run. Are we doing the composting correctly. We seem to be following the instructions? Are all these flies normal in a compost bin?

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I have some pansies in a tub but they have a something like black spot on them. I was told "Get rid of them, dump them".I only moved the tub to an empty corner because the plants looked ok (except for the spots) and they were flowering really well. Should I dump the tub, do you think? Or will the plants recover if I spray them? But with what?

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My daughter's 2-3yr old Salix tree is covered in ants. The aphids are all over the soft new tips of the branches and the ants seemed to be on top of them. Were they eating them do you think? Is there a difference between aphids and greenfly?

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