
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "pcon"

Growing happily for many years. Now has developed a vertical split on main stem, and an area of rot down near the root. Leaves turning yellow, and falling off. Only favourable sign is a couple of green leaves appearing from the root. See photos on my journal. Can the plant be saved?

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August last year I sowed Hollyhocks fro a packet of Mr Fothergill seed labelled "Chaters mixed" The packet showed flowers in red. yellow, orange and white. They flowered this year, but all white flowers. Dis I get the wrong seed, or did I do something else wrong? If I sow more from the same packet, will they all be white? Should I complain to Mr Fothergill?

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I had quite a few Cannas for the past couple of years. They produced a lot of new bulbs, which I potted up in the greenhouse, and later moved most of them out, but kept a couple in the greenhouse. They were well watered and fed. Not a single one has flowered this year, although they produced plenty of growth. Are they worth keeping for next year?

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Acacia baileyana 'Purpurea', purchased five years ago, in flower, has not flowered since, and gas hardly grown. The leading shoot has died off but the rest looks healthy. Shaded for part of the day by other trees. Well drained soil. Should I move it to more sunshine? Why does it not flower?

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I know about the "June Drop", but my apples (Worcester Pearmain), growing against a South facing wall, keep dropping until they are all gone, long before they are ripe, or big enough. Is this a deficiency?

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How can I get rid of clover and speedwell in lawn

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