
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "philipwalton"
I planted lettuce plants under a cloche to extend the season into autumn. Unfortunately over half of them have died and appear to be cut off at ground level. I cannot find any insects in the soil and I have been using slug pellets. The same happened to other lettuces earlier in the summer; not under the cloche.
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This year I had a poorish crop of summer raspberries. The canes for next year look small but to my surprise some of them have just fruited with good size fruits. Any ideas or suggestions?

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I have had a problem with premature die back of potatoes for a number of years resulting in reduced size of tubers. It is not blight as the tubers are not affected. This year I was growing Sarpo Axona and Orla. The same problem has effected my greenhouse tomatoes, grown in growbags, this year. My neighbour grew the same potatoes without this problem.Rgds, Dec1.Have been growing vegetables in this garden for more than 25 years and I think it is getting tired and diseased.

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I have some heathers which have overgrown their flower bed. Can I cut them back and, if so, when should this be done?

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Are there any issues with using fresh shredded branches as garden mulch. Any trees to avoid?

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