
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "phyllmull"

I'd like to try growing a plum tree from pits but am getting so much different advice i'm confused. do i need to put the pits in the fridge for a while or can i just pot them?

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My greenhouse plum tomato plants leaves are going black, stretching from the outsides of the leaves into the centre, also they are curling, there are fruit on the plant but they are small yet. am i doing something wrong and when should i expect the fruit to ripen?

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i planted shrubs Myrtus communis 'variegata' and Hypercium 'Hidcote' last year all of which did well until recently when they've started to wilt. the Myrtus leaves have gone brittle and have died and the hidcote leaves are going yellow, i watered and fed them with tomato feed during the recent dry spell but they are not coming round, what can i do?

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I planted some prickly heath shrubs last year and the winter has played havoc with them, 2 are dead but the rest are savageable (i think). they may have been too small when i planted them out. can you please recommend something that may encourage revival, some are not too bad but some only have a small bit of foliage.

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How do i know what type of soil is in my garden and what type of plants suit it? i'm new to gardening and am definitely not green fingered

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