
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "red-robin"

A year ago I had lots of evergreen trees cut down at the back of the garden, one metre high stumps now remaining. I notice many many yellowish mushrooms all over various parts of the lawn and especially surrounding the jacquemonti birches. I'm very worried it is honey fungus as one of the tree trunks is full of fungi.

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A few days ago I noticed that the leaves at the tips of the branches of two of my 3-year old cherry trees have curled, and inside the curl are what appear to be black aphids. I have sprayed with an insecticide but of course couldn't reach the top of the trees. The aphids seem to have reduced but are not gone. Are the trees likely to overcome the problem?

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I've had a tree surgeon chop down 17 old evergreen trees at the back of my garden which had grown huge but scraggy. He shredded all the lighter branches and now I have 3 mountains of 'mulch' - how long should I wait before using it under trees, shrubs and (newish) hedging? One 'mountain' is touching the lovely beech hedge, am I right in assuming I should move that?

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I bought and planted a Kashmir Rowan in Autumn 08 because of its profusion of pink berries. However, this year is has virtually none. I think it did have flowers in the Spring/Summer but it did not have a great deal of foliage this summer. The garden is clay soil, tending to be wet but not ever waterlogged for too long. I have just put some well rotted farmyard manure around the base.

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