
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "seeker"
I plan to plant mixed climbers to grow up a 4ft concrete wall on top of which is 4ft sunlap fence so the total height of wall is 8ft and the length of wall is 39 ft long (6ft of it at the end is on shallow sloping dry ground) and my question is how to I prepare the ground and which climbers are best for a wall of 8ft high and also how should I go about planting the climbers? Should I dig a planting hole for each one and how spaced out should the climbers be OR should I did a trench/bed all along the base of the lenght of wall?
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At the back of my back garden I have a 40ft concrete brick wall 4ft in height and I have had a strong sunlap fence erected on posts from behind on top of this wall also 4ft in height and it is in a sunny position. Can you advise me what climbers to use for year round interest but to include evergreens in the mix and to advise me what type of supports could be used on the concret brick wall and fence would suit these climbers. Am I limited to certain climbers as the wall and fence combined is only eight ft in heights. The is a strip of no mans land behind the wall between my neighbour and myself if the climbers went over the wall. I live in the south east of Ireland and I do not mind if the most suitable climbers are slowgrowing but frost hardy.

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I have read that its a good idea to repeat planting a plant in a planting sheme to give some form of harmony. Can you describe how to achieve this and suggest hardy plants for a neat but not too formal or informal beautinful evergreen and varigated mixed hedge of year round intrest to provide height for privacy for a squarish suburban garden that 69ft llong and 4o ft wide that is overlooked by neighbours on two sides.

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