
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "sheila-123"

My laurel hedge has grown too tall.When would be the best time to cut it back 3 or 4 feet?

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Potatoes(Queens) have been very small this year. some stalks have very little under them. need to dig a few stalks for dinner. potatoes are lovely and floury. 2nd year growing spuds here. put in farmyard manure before setting, then after few weeks added organic fertiliser. trying to use as little chemicals as possible. any suggestions for next year?

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In its third year my paeonia has 1 bud, but no more. It does not seem to be opening and the bud is covered with ants. it is in a south facing raised bed, but would not have much shelter. soil is slightly limey and fairly rich. plant is about 2 feet high. any suggestion

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planted tree mallow last year.grew and flowered very well. pruned it this springnto within 1 foot of base. had to saw through thick woody stems. new buds appeared but now are wilting. i mulched with farmyard manure when it began to wilt and continue to feed it. I water it most nights. the new stems, about an inch long are still wilting. can i do any more ao have i killed it?

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