
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "shelburne"

I would like to re use the compost i used last year made up of potting compost and soil in which i grew strawberry s and flowers and other veg i would like to re use to grow more strawberrys in containers and if it would be ok to add some 10 10 20 and at what rate per liter of compost or per plant.

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i put in goja berry s in march they have grown very strongly they now have a lot of branches up to one and half meters but are very thin with lots of leaves should i prune these back now or let them grow on at what age should they start to fruit?

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ihave black currant bushes growing in 10 liter containers which i intend planting out in authumn they are now berrys on them some of the leaves have a reddish rough blistery effect mostly near the top of the plant also some yellowing of of leaves lower down also some red and white currents show same effect hope you can help

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