
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "simon2"
Just a quick question - I have this type of Robinia in my garden and there is no sign of it budding at all just yet - should I be worried about this or is it just a late starter?
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Just wondering should my calla lilies have begun to show yet - I planted them outdoors about the 10th March and there is still no sign of them breaking through the soil - what can I do about them? I planted gladiolus at the same time and they are popping up now.

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I am just wondering about an area of bluebells that I planted in the autumn - they were planted in a mixture of compost and good soil in mid to late October in a shady site underneath a tree. They have not as yet begun to emerge above the ground and I am wondering is that normal for this time of year given the bad weather before Christmas or should they have started to come up by now?

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