
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "snowfrill"

I have recently moved and in a certain area of the lawn it seems to be slightly boggy when you walk on it you sink but only just so boggy would seem not the right word more extremely soft. The rest of the lawn is perfect i know we havent had much of a great deal of sun this year but my neighbour who has lived in this area has been here for 8yrs and she said that its always like that grass grows well in that area but is there anything that i can do to make if a bit firmer have only been here 4wks and have mowed the lawn twice since moving in.

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i have just bought a red gooseberry plant and have repotted it into a bigger pot rather than putting it straight into the ground as in the next month or 2 i will be moving and would like to take my gooseberry bush with me i have also tied it to a stake as the winds seem to be quite strong of an evening but as i have done this i would like to know would i be able to replant it as soon as ive moved or will i have to wait and if so when will i be able to replant it also with the weather that we had last year if we get that kind of weather this year what should i do with my gooseberry plant/bush as it should have full sun half shade obviously the winter would be different but im just worried that it might die before it has a chance to grow.

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My garden is being over run by this flower what is it?

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when is the best time to plant a butterfly bush/tree and what is it actually called?

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my lawn seems to be thatchy looking it looks like straw/wheat is growing in areas of it some parts of the lawn are a nice lush green no weeds what can i use to get rid of this horrible thatchy look also there seems to be circular roots in patches around it i have mowed the grass and these rooty areas were hard to mow but they did mow what can i do to get rid of them have only been here 7wks

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