
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "spinbot"

When can I put cuttings from shrubbery that I want to put in a bank I have created? I have rooting powder.

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My query is that i planted a bare root Golden Privet hedge in June 2009. Since then there is alot of grass growing around the hedge and i think it is stopping growth. Is there any solution out there that will kill the grass but not the trees??

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I have a neighbour who constantly goes around his yard on a motorbike. We are situated below a hill and is is situated on the hill. My mother owns land beside my house and there are four large beech trees. Someone was sugesting to try put up some noise/wind barrier from tree to esb pole and they reckon the noise would bounce of the barrier. What do you think, Would this be correct? We were going to plant evergreen but the Reps scheme my mother is involved in wont allow this.

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Hello I am wondering about planting beech and hedgerow around my newly built house. I am wondering when is the planting season over?

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