
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "sudsy"
Over an acre of new lawn set in September 2009. Conflicting advice being received regarding whether or not to feed it this Spring. It survived floods and frost and snow since November. No mowing done yet due to zero growth. If feed is recommended could you suggest the correct feed for the lawn please and how long to leave then before mowing it.
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I have a one acre lawn. It was sown in September 2009. It is divided by a long tarmacadam driveway. The tarmac was done in May 2010. Since the rainy weather started I notice hundreds of dead long worms presumably earthworms on the tarmac. The crows etc eat most of them. I have not seen anything like this before and wonder is it normal or what might be going on. They would be much more useful doing their work in the ground and I hate to see them all dead. Look forward to hearing your views on this one.

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Climbing hydrangea planted last Autumn on a south facing wall. It is thriving but something is biting at some of the leaves. Can you help please with solution. I have planted one also on a North facing wall and the leaves are totally healthy and it is also thriving very well indeed.

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Can discarded grass cuttings be used in any environmentally friendly way instead of just throwing them in a corner of the garden to fade away.It seems a shame not to be able to put them to some good use at a stage where they have sufficiently decayed. I have a huge lawn and when weather is not suitable for mulching I would have quite a bit of grass cuttings stored away. Any advice would be welcome and appreciated.

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Lawn set last September 2009. Fed it with 4 seasons lawn feed from garden centre a week ago when weather was dry. Rain arrived and mowing will have to be put back until weather improves. Need to know for next feeding in about 8 weeks time I presume can feed be applied when the rain is falling or the grass is very wet.426 Thanks , PatriciaAlso how soon after mulching can feed be applied and how soon after feeding can mulching be carried out. Is it advisable to mulch continuously or should I cut and bag every now and then please?

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