
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "tessl"
This might seem like a daft question. The attached 'greenery' has invaded my veggie patch and I don't think it is anything I planted as it is in strange places. It lies flat on the ground. Is it a weed?
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Could you please tell me the name of this plant. Are they outdoor or should they be treated as houseplants? There is another one with lavender floor flowers.I've had them out during the summer and they were very happy and flowered heavily. I've now taken them indoors and wonder will they last the winter. They are very thirsty, they droop but spring back to life when watered. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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I have a beautiful Cheese plant approx 4ft high and for the past few years grew leaves every day - it was so healthy. It is in a bright room, no direct sun but nicely warm and this week it has lost approx 4 leaves each day. Should I withhold water (its quite dry). Also have some Ficus that supposedly like water, should I stop for the winter. They are very healthy and in a nice bright room and nicely warm.

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Please put my husbands mind at rest as he keeps insisting they might be usable. He knows nothing about gardening but like all men, never takes his wifes knowledge as 'gospel'. The mushrooms in pics are growing in my garden under a Pine tree. They are beautiful but I would love to know the name of them and if they are poisonous.

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I am starting to build my patio and want to dot some plants within it as it is quite large. I would love to plant a Clematis over a large rock in a squared off area covered with chippings. I have several clematis is mind as I would like a strong grower and perhaps one that blooms twice a year. My collection at the moment that I can use are,Sunset, Henryi, Piliu, Nelly Moser or the President. There might be some better ones but you would you recommend either of the above.

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