
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "theh-hazel"
I recently got some large logs from a neighbour to create a "fernery" but this fungus has appeared on the ground immediately next to the logs. The logs originally had the bark on them but the harsh frosts detached the bark. the fungus does not have any stalks, the cups appear to emerge directly from the soil. I would like to know (1) what this fungus is and (2) whether it is a "goody" or a "baddie" - will it put my trees at risk? The new fernery is in the centre of three Silver Birch trees. Many thanks Hazel Luskin Glennon
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Lots of my shrubs and small trees have been badly burned by frost and I'm not sure what to do with them. Some of them are definitely having some die-back, so for them I just cut back to sound material. But what to do with Hydrangeas with burned leaves, and in particular a two year old Cornus Controversa which has over 50% of the leaves burned.

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I planted this hedging about 3 weeks ago and the leaves on a good number of the plants are going white. Is this Box Blight? What would you recommend to do?

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I posted this picture on the Garden Club but we cannot agree on what this pretty flower is - the flower is very like both Malva and Sidalcea but the leaves are not like either. It is about 40cm high. The stems are hairy and the leaves are sort of furry. I don't remember buying it, but may have got it from one of my gardening friends. It is driving me mad not knowing the name of it.

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I have this Swiss Cheese Plant for about 8 weeks - thought the leaf damage had occurred in the garden centre but even the newest leaf is starting to show the dark patch - Any hints on how to cure it? Hazel Luskin Glennon

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