
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "themasie"
Our runner bean crop is riddled with what appears to be casid bug damage , plants are about 30cm now and 60% of leaves are very badly effected. How can we get rid of the problem?(French beans elsewhere in the garden are fine)
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I have problems with my greenhouse container grown (from seed) cucumbers. The plants sort of shriveled up when transplanted from the seed tray and while not dead are very sick looking, mottled crisp leaves and very slow growth. I had this trouble last year as well so this year tried using growbags but the problem has recurred. A plant I bought from a garden centre has thrived, healthy leaves and lots of flowers but the fruit are growing to about 1 inch and stopping there.

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The stems of my 5 year old Zepherine drouhin rose which flowered beautifully for the first 2 years, now all bend over at the neck when the flowers are at the bud stage. The plant looks healthy otherwise with plenty of buds. What could be causing this?

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