
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "tilda"

Could you recommend small conifer trees (that will grow to approx 10 ft tall) that I could use for shelter on either side of my house. Both planting strips are approx 40 meters in length but on one side of the house the width of the strip is very narrow, only 2 feet wide, the other side is more generous. For appearance is it better to use the same type on each side of the house ? Also is it possible to mix one or two different types of conifers together and what ratio of one to the other should I use. Looking forward to your reply.

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I have two hydrangea in a shrub bed in the front garden growing side by side with each other now in their second year. Both seem to be growing painstakingly slow (was under the impression they were very hardy and quick to grow) one is doing well in so far that it is healthy looking but the other shrub has holes in a lot of its leaves and isn't as full with leaves as the other, just wondering if you can tell me why there are so many holes on the leaves and what I can do to remedy this. They are hydrangea macrophylla mophead variety. Look forward to hearing from you.

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Planted Hydrangea macrophylla early summer, was thriving for first 6-8 weeks but now some of the leaves are looking burnt and a bit dried out, but more distressingly all the flowers are fading in colour and turning brown, soil is moist I'm sure it doesn't need water but I have no idea what is happening to it.

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Need help in selecting a boundary for shelter in our garden in a very exposed area of North Kerry, in the countryside approx. 7km from the sea/coast. I don't want it to grow too high, would like to keep an open feel to the area but creating a shelter belt with little maintenance is paramount something frost hardy. There is a ranch railing running along the boundary presently on that side (westerly side) of the house and i have a border of approx 2ft width of soil to work with inside the fence and outside the gravel drive way. On the other side of the house I have a ditch with 2ft border inside it to work with, need something that will provide shelter and will create a balance with the other side. Both sides are approx 15m away from the house. Hope you can help.

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