
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "timmatrix"

My soil is clay and I planted a Hornbeam hedge last February. I didn't cut it back when I planted it and it is very bare at the bottom. Could I cut it back at this time of year to encourage it to sprout at the bottom in the spring? Also I'm going to plant another little Hornbeam hedge soon but was thinking of inter planting holly, would this work as a hedge?

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It looked like my Griselinia hedge was a dead duck after losing 95% of it's leaves following the cold spell. But now I see very small green shoots coming all over the hedge. Is there anything I can feed now to give it a helping hand?

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After cutting a dead Griselinia to the base, can a yew hedge be planted in between the stubs and when is the best time to plant.

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Looks like the the cold spell has killed my 5yr old griselinia hedge. It only has a few leaves left.I'm thinking of cutting it to the ground and planting maybe a Cherry Laurel in between.I'd like a hedge that'll grow fairly quickly. Is Laurel at good choice? When is the best time to plant and what do I plant, container or dry root? I only need about 15 plants.

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