
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "willie"

Is it true that nettle brew is a good nutrient for veg plots, lawns & shrubs compared to other enhancers or do you still need to give those areas another fertilisers boost.

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New to veg growing this past year and only started in May 2009. I didn't use raised beds nor did i use manure. My carrots & parsnips didn't mature to the size that i would have expected, while my peas were difficult to hold up the stems. Any tips how to improve for next year.

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Having a problem with weeds on bark and on chippings, not so much coming through the bark/chips but seems to be growing on top of it. I have tackled it aggressivel through the old fashion way of pulling them and have some success. A weed that is getting difficult to control is "horsetail" and i sprinkled a little of Carason G on it. Not seeing much improvement, what can i do to tackle this weed or all other weeds?

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