
Over ten years, Gerry Daly answered more than 5,000 gardening questions. His knowledge is based in science and practical experience, and by working on radio and television. Access to the advice database is open

QuestionsAuthor "ytreacy"

I bought a small campanula which at the time was full of flowers. I have since repotted and the leaves are doing well but growing slowly, however the flowers are no more and don't look like they are growing new ones any time soon. The plant is in a pot on a north facing balcony and gets plenty of light and a few hours of morning sun. Is there a reason why I do not have flowers anymore?

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I bought a pyracantha last summer which has done really well since then and remained shiny and healthy until a few weeks ago when the leaves became brittle and turned brown. I searched the root for disease but no sign of anything and the root seems healthy. I repotted to a very large pot in case the pot became too small but it still has not recovered. I had just started to feed again after winter and topped up the soil a little before it went downhill but otherwise I didn't change it's care in any way. It did not berry in winter but I didn't mind as it was such a healthy looking plant. I also scraped a little off the bottom bark which still seems green and healthy. Can I save my beloved Pyracantha?

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