Two large glass sliders look into this from kitchen. I know nothing about gardening. The wire fence is 5ft. There is a little gap between wall and wire. Would bamboo work here and how easy keep is it?

How do I turn a hummocky field into a garden without using weedkillers/ poisons? The area is rich in wildlife so this project has to be as kind as possible to the environment as is possible so as not to impact on the hares, badgers, etc. passing through. It’s a 1 acre site, never been … read more

we have adopted a patch of waste ground bordering road. measures @230sq mt. we are a charity – please advise best planting for area

I have a small front garden (photo) that was not well looked after and I want to change that. This summer I would like to have lush green grass and I am prepared to do whatever you suggest. I am not a gardener but I would like to develop an interest in the garden. Where … read more

i have a large garden 323 ft long by 106 ft wide whats the best way to plant it i’m no good at drawing, my minds plan is small veg plots ornamental trees and shrubs fruit bushes with gravel paths in between and a poly tunnel the tunnel i bought is 48 ft long and … read more

New home shortly, east facing garden, gentle slope away from house. in grass mainly with border all round, not deep border. am disabled and would like to know how you feel i could approach this, avid gardener, but beginner really!

My back garden is just so wet, i cannot now walk on it at all, as my feet are sinking down into the mud/swamp and its only September. We have 3 children and we cant let them out to play as its just too swampy-would we better to just pave it all, or is there … read more

I really want to learn how to grow, so i got a 3/4 acre field rented, not using all though that would be madness. Its covered in scutch grass and i want to grow flowers and veg and just create a beautiful space. Do not want to spray anything. Am i right in saying i … read more

I am a novice gardener. I have a large mature neglected garden.115I would really love to take care of my garden. where do I begin. I feel overwhelmed.

I have just moved and only grass in garden. Am a complete gardening beginner. Is there anything I can plant this time of year to add some colour to the garden. Shrubs or flower, preferably something that will come back yearly.

Can you suggest a tree, climber, some shrubs or flowers for a poorly drained small to medium sized garden. (26 by 30ft).It is water logged in winter and has a heavy clay soil. It’s not an option to do a big job on the drainage I had four beautiful trees for a few years but … read more

We are the Parents Association of a school in Douglas with a centre for Autistic children. We have a budget of approx EUR3500.00 to plant a garden.The sensory garden will include plants to touch, flowers to see and smell, birds to listen to, fruits and vegetables to taste, a place to move and learn how … read more

Ive just bought my first home and would like to work on the front garden ive never planted anything, im wondering when i need to start planting for summer id like some potted flowers and some for the side of the lawn and i dont have a clue. Thanks Rebecca

We want to develop a garden of some sort and dont know where to start. The site will need to be cleared first and we have a plan that involves plenty of trees and hedging. we plan to adhere to the slope of the land and natural borders (ie ditches). we are looking at design … read more

I am starting a new garden in our newly built home. For planning we had to position the house to the rear of the site, leaving a very large front garden. Space to the back is limited. Total area 1 acre approx… including house. Fabulous views on an elavated site. Problem…I need to create shelter … read more

i have moved into my mother and father in laws house, i want to get rid of their overgrown garden and start a garden of my own but dont know what or how to do any gardening, i think would like to grow some fruit trees and bushes, as well as some nice easy plants … read more

I’ll be traveling in Ireland in 2011 and hope to visit many of Ireland’s wonderful gardens. I’d also like to stop at some really great garden centres. Any suggestions?

I’ve suffered from fibromyalgia for c. 12 years. Lately it’s getting worse and I find it difficult to bend, kneel etc. I love my garden. Is there any way I can find aids to enable me to do more?

In the last 3 weeks i have noticed these bluebottles covering my wall. They only appear when the sun is shining on this wall. My neighbour removed ivy which was covered in these insects, She assures me her bins have nothing untoward in them.. We have removed everything from the area but still they are … read more

I am just about to dive into the world of growing my own food. Having done it at home as a child I know how much work is involved. However, the difference is I dont have the ould lad living here with me to tell me what to do so I have a lot to … read more

Our back lawn flooded last winter for the first time ever. It borders onto farmland (not our property) and even though it is the first week in May the flood over the boundary wall is still visable. The right hand side of the garden flooded approximately 30 feet inside the boundary and approximately the same … read more

well done on site i like it its very handyi only joined a few days ago,we have a semi dec house oh 06 of a acre house is more to front of it we are thinking of geting somebody to do a design or a plan as i call it.something to work of but in … read more

We have just built a new house and need to now think about the garden. the site is about an acre and has an open drain running through it. (coming all the way down from fields behind )There is water collecting at the front of the garden fronting the road and has nowhere to drain … read more

Recently moved into new home, we’ve a big back garden with just an oil tank at the rear left of garden. New to gardening and need all your advice and tips on best way to cover the oil tank with shrubs / plants and to sustain same. Would like it to be covered all year … read more

I am a complete garden novice, but recently rotavated a quarter acre of land & am now raking out the weeds…the level of the garden has gone down a couple of inches…As I am on a zero budget, should I sieve out the old soil & bring the level up & then spray with weed … read more

What can I do with my back garden (on a slight slope down towards house) after all the rain, snow and ice has left it VERY marshy. There is already a French drain in garden (got job done in garden 6 months ago). Garden feels like a bog when we walk on it. I wouldn’t … read more

I built a house on a sloping site approx 10 years ago. I wanted to raise one section at the base of the site near the road exit. I asked the excavator at the time to strip back the topsoil, increase the depth of the subsoil and replace the same topsoil again. When i got … read more

My patio area is small, my ideas BIG, i have learnt a lot through reading and shall chose two flower colours , pinks and whites and varients, plus various green vegetation. But as it stands i feel it will be too cluttered.where can i find a person who is knowledgeable who can just view it … read more

Our house is a modern red brick dormer on an acre site. We are now developing the garden and have sown a lawn and planted some trees. The lawn is divided by a driveway up to the house. The look is very plain and uninteresting. Some planting is required. Could you recommend some plants that … read more

When is the best time to landscape an existing garden?

I have a raised percolation area and it has grass and weeds growing on it. I would like to know is there anything I can plant on it that will have nice flowers and maybe take over from the grass. It has been suggested to plant a lawn there but I thought I would get … read more

I would like to make a start on my garden the problem i have is it gets water logged when its rains i can’t afford expensive drainage or hire any machinery hand tools only at the moment, its also very stony but does get the sun all day on nice days what would grow in … read more

my back garden never seems to dry out.what can i do to get better drainage.

I am very keen to create a japanese garden in my back garden. Can you recommend some experienced japanese garden designers in the Limerick, Clare, North Tipperary area?

Hi Gerry, We moved into our new home over two years ago now, and we noticed a problem with our back garden immediately. We noticed that there is no soakage of water at all. All the water sits on the top of the grass and there is a slant coming right down to the back … read more

Just after digging out my garden for a patio. And it has produced a big mound whicj I have placed at the back of the garden, Id be interested in making a planted mound. Is it possible to rotavate such a mound its about 750mm high and 1500 mm wide. Also The garden area looks … read more

Hi Gerry, I have a square garden. We had it re-lawned last year so the grass is not that established. I want to incorporate some life into but am not a natural green fingers so am looking for maximum effect, minimum effort. Ideally low maintenance colourful shrubs with a bit of a wild look to … read more

hi gerry, we built a house last year now were trying to create a garden it’s quite big and i just do not know where to start. its laid to lawn with one flower bed and a beech hedge, (so far) any tips? thanks.

Hi Jerry,I am about to prepare about a half acre of lawn for seeding. The problem is there are some very steep slopes in the area which would be a probelm to cut later on. Is there any kind of lawn seed out there that you dont have to cut very often and if so … read more

Our garden is 3yrs old and was professional landscaped 2 yrs ago. The problem I’m having is that the lawn is very wet and never seems to dry out. In one corner after heavy rain a pond forms and last for days. What is the best way to tackle this problem and improve drainage. I’ve … read more

Hi, I’m looking for some help please! I have a large mature garden but there are just a few areas which receive the sun for the whole day, but my main limitation is that we will be extending our house and don’t know exactly how this will affect our garden yet. I will be receiving … read more

Have used roundup twice this year but its seems to have made the weeds get stronger and bigger, areas that I have planted I have used plantex but weeds are coming through it. Any suggestions?

Hi Gerry, I have recently put an extensionon the back of my house and only have about 30 sq metres left, rectangular in shape. Trying to come up with some good ideas, any advice or where i could get some sample plans. Thanks

gerry, i am looking for a plant to put on boundary wall between me& neighbours for privacy. About 12 tall, maybe 3 or 4 wide but not “deep” at all,not to take up space in my garden or grow into neighbours -ideally as if I was able to build up the wall to about 12 … read more