My broad beans were very healthy but the leaves have now gone rusty and are withering. No problems in previous years.

I appear to have a great crop of broad beans(windsor variety) this year. They are about 4ft tall with lots of flowers, though some have died off. Will they still pod? All of the books tell me to pinch out the tips to prevent black fly attack – I have cut off the top green … read more

I planted broadbeans in NOV10 and I was wondering when is the best time to harvest them?

I have grown broad beans for the first time they are now 5ft tall and have flowers but it looks like the little pod is all black at the end where the flower were, have they died and what can i do?

i am a beginner and started broad bean seeds off in the greenhouse, they are now 4″ tall and looking well but they have got black shiny spots on the stems, the greenhouse has been heated, dont know what to do.

My broad beans flowered but now seems to be dying off, what is the cause what can i do for future prevention?

my broad bean pods and stems are covered with black spots. some of the beans are also infected what has happened them should i remove all of them mow and what should i do with the stalks any solutions please many thanks

my green beans have been eaten by something is there an organic fix gerry ?

Hi Jerry, Can you advise about bean seeds grown in seed trays which are now showing nothing only mould we used growing compound and followed instructions. Thank you Trish