My mint plant has discolouration on the leaves – a beige to light rust colour. What causes this & is it safe to eat the mint.

what if anything can i plant now as space in garden. I am going to put in some garlic but would like to try maybe something else?

Just wondering what veg I can now sow in my polytunnel for the winter ??? I would like to grow broccoli, cauliflower, beetroot, peas, carrots, lettuce, rocket, sprouts,-any problem with these ? Rgds John.

I’ve planters,round and rectangle type,the plannix range,10ft polys also.their well set up with a good mixture of quality home compost and bought compost along with perlite.what veg could I start or what well started veg could I plant, bought type. I have some courgette, peas, rocket, lettuce, tomatoes all well established.

I am writing a short story set in Glendalough. Would you please advise me about what my characters would be planting in a vegetable garden mid-June? I was there once, but never dreamed I’d be writing this story.

Which garden veg can I freeze for Winter? I grow shallots, onions, peas, broad beans, cabbage, spinach, lettuce, spring onions, pak choi and courgette and leek.

Do you know by any chance where can I find here horseradish? I had so much fun collecting the veggie seeds offfered by you in the Irish Daily Mail – the salad mix and the rocket are already out, can’t wait to eat them. And now I am looking forward to collect the flower seeds.

I am new to your site and I am really learning a lot from it. My question is I am putting in some raised beds to grow some veg and need advice on what I should be doing to have them ready for planting in Spring and is it too late to plant winter veg … read more

I had Egyptian tree onions in a veg garden some 20 years ago and would like to know where i could find some more . I have tried a lot of garden centres but to no avail. If you could help me I would be greatful.

can you please tell me what vegetable i could plant in the garden now?

what is the best way to store white turnip. can it be frozen as is, or does it have to be cooked first?

what is bolting? i’ve seen it in a few answers relating to growing veg…

I have a glut of broad beans. Can I pick them and freeze them directly without blanching?

hi gerry my maincrop potatoes have devoloped blight despite 2 sprays of dithanei have first noticed them about 3 weeks agocan i eat them?funnily enough my earlies seem ok so far despite being quite near them

When is the correct time to dig first early potatoes which were planted mid March