I am growing cucumbers in my greenhouse. When should I start feeding them ? ..largest ones are 2/3 inches long.

My dad grew this plant in a glasshouse this summer assuming he had courgette seeds, any idea what they are?

I have problems with my greenhouse container grown (from seed) cucumbers. The plants sort of shriveled up when transplanted from the seed tray and while not dead are very sick looking, mottled crisp leaves and very slow growth. I had this trouble last year as well so this year tried using growbags but the problem … read more

When growing cucumbers about the male and female flower do i need to pllinate them and also do i cut off the male after pollenation or just leave it? and what way is best to grow them as i have 2 plants and they are about to get flowers and they are very healthy only … read more

All of my indoor plants are infested with tiny flies in the compost. They really are becoming unbearable as they can be found all over the house. Fairly sure they are mushroom flies as I can see the larvae in the compost. I know that keeping soil dry might help but I have cucumber,chilli and … read more

We are trying to grow cucumbers for the first time. It is presently in a pot -but will need support soon!! Is it warm enough to grow cucumbers outside here. Our veg plot is raised – at a sunny wall and fairly well sheltered. No greenhouse- would have to be inside if not.