We have a blank canvas site around new build house. Site is 50m wide by 80 m long. We don’t want to cultivate back 30m at all (for now). Would you advise irregular shelter belt tree planting to section it off or go for a beech/hornbeam hedge right across 50m? I’d prefer general low maintenance … read more

My Mum has MS and uses a scooter. She loves gardening and used to look after our walled garden at home. Are there any gardens you would recommend suitable for us to visit in Leinster? I was looking at June and Jimi Blake’s gardens however they are on gravel and have a hill. She would … read more

Two large glass sliders look into this from kitchen. I know nothing about gardening. The wire fence is 5ft. There is a little gap between wall and wire. Would bamboo work here and how easy keep is it?

Im completely new to this we moved into new house recently and let back garden get overrun with weeds…they were about 2 foot high..i have strimmed the whole thing and then rotavated it twice…what do i do next should i spray with weedkiller…a friend of mine told me i should lay grass seed and then … read more

Could you suggest to me plants/shrubs that would grow in a rocky area that is shaded by trees, plants that spread and don’t need a lot of maintances, have already put in heathers and no joy, soil not great in it…would appreciate a few suggestions.

I have a South East facing raised bed part of the house blocks the sun from 1pm what plants can I grow in it?

We want to use our side door as we farm and tend to be mucky! The problem is our dogs and children also use that side of the garden. I want to put a garden gate up to prevent escapees but my husband just wants to walk straight into the house and not deal with … read more

How do I turn a hummocky field into a garden without using weedkillers/ poisons? The area is rich in wildlife so this project has to be as kind as possible to the environment as is possible so as not to impact on the hares, badgers, etc. passing through. It’s a 1 acre site, never been … read more

We have a 2 acre south facing site in W. Mayo, very windy, 1/2 mile from the sea. Most of the site is peaty loam, very fertile although somewhat acid & wet in the lower part; also sandy soil on the hill (poor fertility, very stony). Up to now, we have focused on veg & … read more

Townhouse in Greystones. Narrow south facing back garden 12ft x 30 ft. Don’t want this to look like a tunnel. Bring in curves and points of interest. Any recommendations?

What is the best time of the year to visit the Japanese Gardens in Co. Kildare?

I have a wall at chest level height at the side of my house that gives people full view of my whole house & garden. I need to block this view fully. I know it will be expensive but I want looking for shrubs that are unusual & fragrant or something that looks beautiful & … read more

I would like to create an area on my lawn which is awkward to mow. It is at the entrance to our driveway. The wall is curved and there would be some shade. I would like something that would not require too much work but would like a bit of colour also and some year … read more

I have recently made a raised circular bed in my lawn approx 15 ft in diameter. nothing has been planted yet. i am thinking of something evergreen, that will look good even in winter. the soil here is heavy clay.what wound i put in the middle of the bed. dont want shrubs that will take … read more

a lot of the garden is covered with grass, as high as 3 foot. I think I get the strimmer & cut the grass to the butt. Do I then take the top layer off before rotavating the soil or do I just start rotavating? Can I start now in the summer? I have help … read more

Please see picture attached,this bed to the left of the path on the way up to our patio is approx 4 yards x 3 yards and contains clay. Could you suggest what low growing low maintenance plants we could plant here that would be suitable in clay and would not grow too high that would … read more

we have adopted a patch of waste ground bordering road. measures @230sq mt. we are a charity – please advise best planting for area

I don’t know if you can help have found a large amount of frogspawn on the side of the road and it is out in the open with no water any advice would help.

Can you recommend a cost effective garden edging about 12″ to 18″ tall that I can use to keep blackbirds digging out mulch from flower beds & scattering onto the grass. Very large area to do.

Are there any disadvantages to using a stone / slate or gravel mulch on beds to stop weeds.

Unusually for housing estate have small triangle of grass between footpath and garden wall. Not sure of ownership but trying to check with council. With advancing years have removed grass from front and back garden, leaving this as only tiny patch requiring mowing and ownership of law mower. Thinking Mypex, and trailing plants, biggest problem … read more

Have you any advice about getting rid of pigeons?? We feed our birds regularly, have lots of different species coming so put out different kinds of food, but we are now inundated with pigeons, who assemble on the roof – my husband counted 34 of them one day – and swoop down to eat, No … read more

I have a small front garden (photo) that was not well looked after and I want to change that. This summer I would like to have lush green grass and I am prepared to do whatever you suggest. I am not a gardener but I would like to develop an interest in the garden. Where … read more

This revolting slimy algae is forming on gravel/stone surfaces ~ pathways, carparks, cobbles. We think it’s Nostoc. First (modest) appearance was in 2010; now it’s widespread, sometimes in carpets up to 1.5cm thick (and counting).. Thrives on rain, even in this cold weather. Very unsightly, dangerously slippery underfoot. Can you suggest a chemical for control … read more

Do you know a source of acid topsoil ?

i have a large garden 323 ft long by 106 ft wide whats the best way to plant it i’m no good at drawing, my minds plan is small veg plots ornamental trees and shrubs fruit bushes with gravel paths in between and a poly tunnel the tunnel i bought is 48 ft long and … read more

New home shortly, east facing garden, gentle slope away from house. in grass mainly with border all round, not deep border. am disabled and would like to know how you feel i could approach this, avid gardener, but beginner really!

I am starting to build my patio and want to dot some plants within it as it is quite large. I would love to plant a Clematis over a large rock in a squared off area covered with chippings. I have several clematis is mind as I would like a strong grower and perhaps one … read more

My back garden is just so wet, i cannot now walk on it at all, as my feet are sinking down into the mud/swamp and its only September. We have 3 children and we cant let them out to play as its just too swampy-would we better to just pave it all, or is there … read more

i am redesigning my garden i am takeing up all shrubs and putting down coloured stones my neighbour suggest i use bleash to kill any weeds before i lay the stones my question should i take her advice

I really want to learn how to grow, so i got a 3/4 acre field rented, not using all though that would be madness. Its covered in scutch grass and i want to grow flowers and veg and just create a beautiful space. Do not want to spray anything. Am i right in saying i … read more

I have a mother hedgehog and two babies in my garden. I’ve read that the babies are ready to move on and find their own patch after 6 weeks. The young ones in my garden are almost that now but seem very small to have to leave their mother. Do you have any idea how … read more

We have a small barked area in our front garden which gets the sun (when it shines!). Could you advise me what plants would be suitable for this area which would flower through the autumn/winter? We are looking for low maintenance as we dont have ‘green fingers’!  

I am a novice gardener. I have a large mature neglected garden.115I would really love to take care of my garden. where do I begin. I feel overwhelmed.

We have a footpath outside our sliding doors. We want to lay a patio. Is it possible to pave over the footpath and continuing paving onto the “grass” area to make the patio larger? Is it likely the slabs on the “grass” area would move over time causing cracking between the slabs set on the … read more

I need some planting advice. I have a west facing border about 25ft long. Depth varies between 2ft and 5ft. There is a standard garden block wall behind, with wicker screens. I’m looking to plant a range of plants with different height/colour/texture. Where do I start?

I have just moved and only grass in garden. Am a complete gardening beginner. Is there anything I can plant this time of year to add some colour to the garden. Shrubs or flower, preferably something that will come back yearly.

I am bringing my mother to Ireland October 7-18th and we will be in Co. Kerry and then Dublin for two days. She loves gardens and we would like to visit a few. Will there be flowers that late in the season? I am thinking of Bantry, Ilnacullen, Muckross and a couple of gardens in … read more

To the side of our front garden, we have a steep Bank sloping, (25 mtrs. in length & about 2 mtrs drop) into our garden from the adjoining property. We have had to put drainage to prevent heavy rainfall turning the area into near like waterfall conditions.many thanksCan you advise? 91We have planted 4 pampas … read more

I was thinking of creating a wild play area for kids in the garden (about 5m X 30m); maybe put a climbing frame one end, add some hills and leave it to go wild. I’m wondering however if it will need to be maintained at some stages, cut back etc, to prevent unwanted rodents from … read more

Can you suggest a tree, climber, some shrubs or flowers for a poorly drained small to medium sized garden. (26 by 30ft).It is water logged in winter and has a heavy clay soil. It’s not an option to do a big job on the drainage I had four beautiful trees for a few years but … read more

Are there plants and shrubs for sale at this venue?

Can you please help. I have dark algae on gravel and can get rid of it. Swells up in wet conditions. qite slippery. tried weedkiller, mosskiller, lawn sand, and mogathon- No good. Have tried picking it up but very slow process. any suggestions?

I have a large half water barrel that contain a waterlily, marginals and fish. The water is very green with algae. Is this harmful to the fish? What can I do to maintain the water clarity?

I have an issue with the location of my garden shed. It’s in a north facing garden and we put it at the back of the garden but facing the patio doors (on the back left of the garden, west) The reason for this is the sun lasts longer in the evenings on the right, … read more

what are the best plants for a pond and will any of these survive a winter like we just had.

I got my garden landscaped nearly 4 years ago, but some of the plants dont really suit the garden as they are too big….its a medium size garden, one corner of the garden is shaded and damp…what should i grow there…alot of plants died in the frost so im ready for new plants…shrubs..flowers…i need help … read more

We are the Parents Association of a school in Douglas with a centre for Autistic children. We have a budget of approx EUR3500.00 to plant a garden.The sensory garden will include plants to touch, flowers to see and smell, birds to listen to, fruits and vegetables to taste, a place to move and learn how … read more

Ive just bought my first home and would like to work on the front garden ive never planted anything, im wondering when i need to start planting for summer id like some potted flowers and some for the side of the lawn and i dont have a clue. Thanks Rebecca

We want to develop a garden of some sort and dont know where to start. The site will need to be cleared first and we have a plan that involves plenty of trees and hedging. we plan to adhere to the slope of the land and natural borders (ie ditches). we are looking at design … read more

Our pond was covered in a net from early November until just over 2 weeks ago. For much, perhaps most, of of that time the pond was frozen. Yesterday my son drew my attention to the fact that on the bottom of the pond are many dead frogs. They are bloated but otherwise not decomposed. … read more

I am starting a new garden in our newly built home. For planning we had to position the house to the rear of the site, leaving a very large front garden. Space to the back is limited. Total area 1 acre approx… including house. Fabulous views on an elavated site. Problem…I need to create shelter … read more

My enclosed patio measures 12ft wide by 23 long. My sitting room faces onto it. It has a wooden railing along the front. A sun room faces onto one side and a low red bri ck wall makes up the 4th side. It is paved with ordinary grey slabs, not in great condition. Unfortunately it … read more

i have a raised area at the back of my house due to the house foundations being dug out. this is where my veggie patch is. my problem is that is eroding my bank. i have lost a foot or so over the last 2 bad winters. any tips to stop this bar building a … read more

I recently bought a travertine statue for the garden. (How) Should I cover it in winter?

i have moved into my mother and father in laws house, i want to get rid of their overgrown garden and start a garden of my own but dont know what or how to do any gardening, i think would like to grow some fruit trees and bushes, as well as some nice easy plants … read more

Could you please recommend flower bulbs that 1.grow in exposed site(wind problen) 2.have good flowering period 3.do not need to be lifted in winter

please suggest two or three specific plants for patio border. raised bed against limestone slate wall. slabs black limestone to be topped with granite capping. size of border 13m x1m grass on other side.

I have a small garden with a raised border. I have a few plants in the border which do not need tending too much: conifers, rosemary and a couple of others but there is a large gap in the border which needs filling up. Have you any suggestions on what plants would fill this gap, … read more

Im a garden begineer and we have sown our lawn last year and now we are starting planting this year. I have 2 very big beds 10X20 ft- and I dont know anything about flower beds. Can you give me a few names of plants around 8 inches in height with colour that I can … read more

Please suggest colourful shrubs ( for all year round) that are suitable for a bed in partial shade, also can I put small bedding stones on this bed to stop the weeds comming up , even if I have delicate bulbs such as blue bells planted below.

We have Leylandii trees at the end of our garden which are about 20 feet high. However they take up a lot of room and are costly to have cut back every year. Also it is impossible to grow anything near them. There is a wall behind them aprox 4′ high.We are thinking of taking … read more

After making a large pond, I have a lot of soil left (some poor, some topsoil) and would like to use it in our 3/4 acre garden. The back garden is a long rectangle with pond (near house), veg. plots, flower beds but plenty of available space. Any ideas on incorporating this into the landscape … read more

Do you know where I could get Concrete Screen Blocks for a Garden Wall?

I’m looking for about ten large stepping stones in random (circularish or oval) shapes approximately one metre in diametre to creat a pathway. I’ve tried all of the large quarries have been unsuccessfull to date. Can you please let me know if you know where I could try to find the stones? Many thanks,

I’ll be traveling in Ireland in 2011 and hope to visit many of Ireland’s wonderful gardens. I’d also like to stop at some really great garden centres. Any suggestions?

Looking for advice on planting combination with an acer palmatum osakazuki. Size of Site is Approx 10m2 – Site is NW Facing in semi shade – Can you advise?

I’ve suffered from fibromyalgia for c. 12 years. Lately it’s getting worse and I find it difficult to bend, kneel etc. I love my garden. Is there any way I can find aids to enable me to do more?

I have red and black patio slabs in my garden and they have faded to a very dirty colour even though they are well looked after . any suggestions on how to get the colour back ie paint ? also i have a wisteria 4 years and still no flowers.

In the last 3 weeks i have noticed these bluebottles covering my wall. They only appear when the sun is shining on this wall. My neighbour removed ivy which was covered in these insects, She assures me her bins have nothing untoward in them.. We have removed everything from the area but still they are … read more

I am just about to dive into the world of growing my own food. Having done it at home as a child I know how much work is involved. However, the difference is I dont have the ould lad living here with me to tell me what to do so I have a lot to … read more

Our back lawn flooded last winter for the first time ever. It borders onto farmland (not our property) and even though it is the first week in May the flood over the boundary wall is still visable. The right hand side of the garden flooded approximately 30 feet inside the boundary and approximately the same … read more

well done on site i like it its very handyi only joined a few days ago,we have a semi dec house oh 06 of a acre house is more to front of it we are thinking of geting somebody to do a design or a plan as i call it.something to work of but in … read more

What is the fastest growing ivy- i need it to cover horrible block walls -height 4ft at the front of the house and 8 ft at the back. or any other suggestions for fast growing all year round cover.

Pond, 3mx3mx.45M deep, southwest facing, sunny, has ‘Laguna’ filter and UV treatment fitted nevertheless pond always like pea soup. Water plants doing badly, nothing really growing. Pond fed by rainwater off house roof. Frogs seem happy though. Any suggestions on what is wrong?

We have just built a new house and need to now think about the garden. the site is about an acre and has an open drain running through it. (coming all the way down from fields behind )There is water collecting at the front of the garden fronting the road and has nowhere to drain … read more

I have a 2ft. high concrete wall at the bottom of my front garden. It is about 40ft. from the front of my house and is an eyesore. Any suggestions for low level cover for this wall ?

Recently moved into new home, we’ve a big back garden with just an oil tank at the rear left of garden. New to gardening and need all your advice and tips on best way to cover the oil tank with shrubs / plants and to sustain same. Would like it to be covered all year … read more

We have a brand new garden and have an area approx 6mx6m that I want with plants/shrubs of some kind in.I want Zero Maintenance if possible but want it to have some colour and look nice, I was going to put a weed block down with bark on top in between the plants. I live … read more

Hello Gerry, I got a present of a bird house last Christmas 12 months. Some time afterwards I attached it to the side of a tree in the back garden. While the birds including robins which are friendly come into the garden to feed no birds have used the bird house. It is about six … read more

Could you please give me some advice re what to plant in my east facing border along our driveway. It is approximately 9 meters long and 1 meter deep with a Japanese maple (approx 8′ tall) at the entrace to the driveway. The border runs along a 3′ boundary wall.

I have a dry embankment that is covered in wild grass. It is too steep to safely strim on a regular basis. I am thinking of covering it with weed fabric and then planting some ground cover plants to take the place over. Is Cotoneaster dammerii a good plant for this. Is this also more … read more

I need to find out what trees and shrubs i need to get in order to achieve the above garden. can you help me? it’s a new build.

our house was built on a field with a slope and we had to dig down the the foundations so now we have a bank at the back of the house. i am planting some vegetables this year. there is a 4ft drop from the bank down to the lawn. at the foor of the … read more

I am a complete garden novice, but recently rotavated a quarter acre of land & am now raking out the weeds…the level of the garden has gone down a couple of inches…As I am on a zero budget, should I sieve out the old soil & bring the level up & then spray with weed … read more

Recently have moved into house with a small garden pond, about 1.5m diameter. As I have absolutely no experience in Pond maintenance, could you help me out please? there already seems to be some algae or other matter formin on the surface. There is some greeenery growing in the pond also.

I am having trouble with moss continually appearing on tarmac & paths even when treated with proprietry brands Are there any more powerful & longlasting chemicals which kill moss and then have the same effect as simazine in stopping moss reappearing.

I’m planning a pond, about 10 x 3 mtr, wha is a bit wide for standard lining sheets. So, I’m thinking of using clay. Where to get the right type of clay, and helpful instructions on how to do that?

The ice was at least 4″ thick on my pond (approx size 2m across x 1.5m deep) during the freeze in January. Unfortunately when it thawed out there are lots of dead frogs in it. I never had this happen before and we would get quite a lot of ice most years. I thought frogs … read more

I have a small rectangular patch with only soil in a long deep raised bed at the end, dotted near the patio door will be planters, also in a corner a water feature surrounded by planters and logs. with no outdoor tap and being disabled, can you get a simple thread system kit which could … read more

I have concrete, so a water barrel surrounded with stones and terracotta pots, plus two large bits of tree trunks i want to biodegrade to encourage nature.I would like a small water lily (pink/white) but what nice grass can i also include in the barrel and maybe a third different shaped plant? also in the … read more

Can you please tell me what I should use to remove algae from pebbles I have along paths and driveway ?

What can I do with my back garden (on a slight slope down towards house) after all the rain, snow and ice has left it VERY marshy. There is already a French drain in garden (got job done in garden 6 months ago). Garden feels like a bog when we walk on it. I wouldn’t … read more

I built a house on a sloping site approx 10 years ago. I wanted to raise one section at the base of the site near the road exit. I asked the excavator at the time to strip back the topsoil, increase the depth of the subsoil and replace the same topsoil again. When i got … read more

My patio area is small, my ideas BIG, i have learnt a lot through reading and shall chose two flower colours , pinks and whites and varients, plus various green vegetation. But as it stands i feel it will be too cluttered.where can i find a person who is knowledgeable who can just view it … read more

I have bird feeders in my garden (a built up area) but no birds (except magpies) are coming to feed.Is there anything else I can put up to attract small birds? My garden is very small. (Feeders have seeds, fatballs, and nuts).

I live in an estate with a down ward slope into my back garden.my neighbours gardens are paved so any rainwater flows into mine from theirs,leaving mine left waterlogged!Its like marsh ground in the moors,its even full of rushes!I was wondering could you possibly advise me on the most effective way of draining the water … read more

We have a lawn at the back of our house, and one corner can be very wet in winter and spring. Are there plants that i can put in, to soak the water? i want low lying plants that will not block our view from the back window in our kitchen. the area is about … read more

My father is eldery and has decided to lay stone chips down on the grass to save him having to cut the grass in the future. The level of the grass in terms of the pathway is low enough that we don’t have to take off the top layer of grass. QUE: Should we kill … read more

I have one large half barrel which i want to make into a barrel pond, where can i get an oddment of pond liner for this, i am on a disability pension and never could afford a massive piece for this one feature. Thanks in anticipation.

Small garden facing north some ideas for nice colour throughout the year, also has red brick wall around garden — two side entrances with doors to back garden.

our neighbours have built a new extension which overlooks our back garden. I would like a suggestion for hedging or barrier of some kind. There’s a wall of 6 feet approx between the houses but as the floor of the extension was raised they can now see right over our garden. i would be grateful … read more

I have some pylons within view of my house. Now that the leaves are falling off the trees they look closer than they are. How do I cover these up? What are the best trees/other to make the garden look lovely & draw the eye away from these? What’s the best way to plant them … read more

Our house is a modern red brick dormer on an acre site. We are now developing the garden and have sown a lawn and planted some trees. The lawn is divided by a driveway up to the house. The look is very plain and uninteresting. Some planting is required. Could you recommend some plants that … read more

I am nearing completion of my new build (3 weeks away) and have found a small spring about 10 ft from the house which will naturally slope away from house. Any ideas for using this natural feature? My husband sees it as a problem which should be drained away with piping underground (up to €1,000!!), … read more

Over the past couple of years I have noticed a brownish slippery substance on my ‘tar and chips’ yard and paths. this has increased 200% this year and is very obvious when the ground is wet. It seems to shrink when the ground dries. In time it turns to moss and looks terrible. I cant … read more

I would like some help or advice on how to get rid of moss from a pavement. i would like to permanantly remove this moss. i’ve tried some products from various garden centre’s and applied as advised but they have only removed it temporarily.any help or advice would be appreciated

I am paving the entire of my concrete rectangular yard (15′ x 6′) with paving slabs. I have read the paving section but am wondering if I can lay the slabs on sand as I’m hoping to do the work myself and would be nervous about getting involved with concrete/mortar.

I’ve spent weeks strimming and weeding a big area that will eventually be covered with weed barrier/stones, but until that day I just want the area kept clear of weeds/grass. After clearing it, I sprayed with Roundup, but when new weeds/grass started growing, I found out that Roundup only kills active plants. I read somewhere … read more

Our back garden is paved with bricks and we cannot keep the weeds down. It has no drainage what so ever and when we remove the weeds they are back before we have finished whole area. we have tried weedkillers but to no avail. there is grass growing between the bricks aswell. What advice would … read more

When is the best time to landscape an existing garden?

Just wondering what would be best to plant on bank (see attached photo). Bank is along busy road. Would like something relatively maintenance free and perhaps some colour. Roadside faces north. Soil quality would be average. Many thanks.

I have a raised percolation area and it has grass and weeds growing on it. I would like to know is there anything I can plant on it that will have nice flowers and maybe take over from the grass. It has been suggested to plant a lawn there but I thought I would get … read more

I would like to make a start on my garden the problem i have is it gets water logged when its rains i can’t afford expensive drainage or hire any machinery hand tools only at the moment, its also very stony but does get the sun all day on nice days what would grow in … read more

I am a beginner gardner and was wondering if you could recommend some good garden design books or web sites. I have a large spread out garden and I don’t know where to start.

my back garden never seems to dry out.what can i do to get better drainage.

I want to plant a few pot flowers on my balcony. Can you please recommend a few perennial and annual flowers / plants with some colour that are relatively easy to take care of.

My pond has been dug and now ready for a liner… dimensions are 16ft x 11ft and 3 ft deep. Do you have a recommendation butyl vs. pvc. Have installed butyl in a Wicklow pond but is it really that much better than modern pvc 2mm thick?

My wife and I have a shaded part in our garden and would love a japanese style moss garden, but are finding it hard to source seeds here in Ireland. Any ideas as to where we can find enough to cover approx a 5th of an acre? Thanks ,virgingardener

I am very keen to create a japanese garden in my back garden. Can you recommend some experienced japanese garden designers in the Limerick, Clare, North Tipperary area?

Hi Gerry, We moved into our new home over two years ago now, and we noticed a problem with our back garden immediately. We noticed that there is no soakage of water at all. All the water sits on the top of the grass and there is a slant coming right down to the back … read more

HI Gerry, just bought a new house in Kilcoole. Back garden is northfacing and I have built a shed & open roofed area across back wall. garden is small but slopes towards house. What would be the best design & plants for this garden? I do have 2 stella cherry trees, 1 Hazelnut tree, hydranga … read more

I have removed ivy on 3 walls of south facing garden& would like your advice on covering walls with evergreen low maintenance shrubs in a space that is now gravelled and with small patio near house,The back wall facing north is overhung by large plane tree and leylandii. Garden is facing south but gets sun … read more

My small pond 5ft. by 2.5ft.and 18″ deep has become muddy and slimey. The slime adheres to the plants (oxygenater, Lilly and Iris) and also floats in lumps on the surface. There were fish in it up to 5 months ago when the heron got them all. It is generally very muddy and disgusting. I … read more

Just after digging out my garden for a patio. And it has produced a big mound whicj I have placed at the back of the garden, Id be interested in making a planted mound. Is it possible to rotavate such a mound its about 750mm high and 1500 mm wide. Also The garden area looks … read more

Hi Gerry, I have a square garden. We had it re-lawned last year so the grass is not that established. I want to incorporate some life into but am not a natural green fingers so am looking for maximum effect, minimum effort. Ideally low maintenance colourful shrubs with a bit of a wild look to … read more

Hi Gerry, we have a holiday home with small stones all around it. This is looking really bad with weeds. We have tried various weed killers, but with only very limited and short lived affect. Is there something we can use to kill all the variety of weeds and then seal the ground?Thanks

How successful would the Weed wand be on grass seedlings in a gravel driveway ? i know that damaged grass grows again from the roots, so would burning the surface prevent regrowth ?


where can I buy a good solar water feature in dublin? I just want a simple one to listen to when relaxing in my garden. Thank you.

hi gerry, we built a house last year now were trying to create a garden it’s quite big and i just do not know where to start. its laid to lawn with one flower bed and a beech hedge, (so far) any tips? thanks.

Hi Jerry,I am about to prepare about a half acre of lawn for seeding. The problem is there are some very steep slopes in the area which would be a probelm to cut later on. Is there any kind of lawn seed out there that you dont have to cut very often and if so … read more

Our garden is 3yrs old and was professional landscaped 2 yrs ago. The problem I’m having is that the lawn is very wet and never seems to dry out. In one corner after heavy rain a pond forms and last for days. What is the best way to tackle this problem and improve drainage. I’ve … read more

Gerry,We are laying a patio of about 100sqm and given its size are trying to keep price at reasonable level. Want to achieve the look of yellow sandstone paving and have seen dyded concrete paving slabs which look great but are worried about the colour fading over time (even though would seal it every 5 … read more

Hi GerryI have a sloping bank at the back of my house with a wet corner at one end. Can you recomend plants that are easy to maintain. I will be mulching between the plants. Are there are pictures of landscapped slopes that are mature. Sometimes it nice to see what the effect will look … read more

Hi Gerry, i am a totally new to gardening, hope to change this in the near future. I need help with the surrounding concrete slab walls of my back garden (25ft x 55ft, east facing) i want to plant a type of Ivy/creeper that will give a very good coverage and is evergreen. I have … read more

Hi Gerry, when laying stepping stones (unconnected) from my patio to my shed through my lawn, do I need to use sand & cement as a subbase, sand or can i just lay directly on topsoil?

Hi Gerry, we have a farily big garden and are trying to get started with planting etc. There are 2 large old beech trees at the front with beds beneath them – in the shade, have you suggestions for what hardy plants/shrubs might grow successfully there with a splash of colour? At the back there … read more

Hi Gerry, I have a steep bank all around the back of our house. I have planted a beech hedge on top of the bank and am now looking for suitable plants or creepers to sow on top that might grow down to screen off the bank and prevent weeds/grasses from taking hold or alternatively … read more

how does one correct a slope towards the house on a large garden>

Hi, I’m looking for some help please! I have a large mature garden but there are just a few areas which receive the sun for the whole day, but my main limitation is that we will be extending our house and don’t know exactly how this will affect our garden yet. I will be receiving … read more

Have used roundup twice this year but its seems to have made the weeds get stronger and bigger, areas that I have planted I have used plantex but weeds are coming through it. Any suggestions?

After building an extension onto our house our front garden needs a complete redo. What would you suggest as low maintenance plants that look good all year around. We plan to put in a decent sized flower bed and a roll out lawn. We would need something that would screen a wall about 4.5 feet … read more

We have recently removed old brick planters and now have a blank canvas at the front of our house. We have an old cement sidewalk that goes around the side of the house that we need to cover up or redue. I am wonderng about a low wooden walkway and deck. Is it okay to … read more

Hi Gerry, I have recently put an extensionon the back of my house and only have about 30 sq metres left, rectangular in shape. Trying to come up with some good ideas, any advice or where i could get some sample plans. Thanks

i spend a lot of time cleaning moss between patio bricks. I wanted to use a chemical spray, but was told that sprays stain the bricks. Do you know if this is true, or what would you suggest?

want to gravel my front garden as it is too tiny for grass. No fence, just leads to pavement and communal parking. How do I do this? how far do I dig down and do i put a mulch down before gravel goes on. Much Appreciated.

GerryI have a garden on a slope front to back. if you check my profile, i have some photo’s to show the extent of the slope. the garden is 5 years old, Not much done to it but have this with my veg plot. Also my son uses a walker sometimes wheelchair. i looking for … read more

Hi Gerry! Moving into our new house in a housing estate soon. Back garden is small – 15metres in width & 9 metres in depth. A 2-storey house is very close on one side of the back wall & we need tall trees or high shrubs to screen it off. Using a ladder to help … read more

Hello gerry, i have a split-level garden at the back of my house with ten foot in the difference of the two. I have plans for a patio with a stream for the top section cascading down into a pond in the bottom garden but was wondering what are the costs of running such a … read more

I am in the process of creating a wildlife garden pond. Rough dimensions are 60ftx30ft with average depth of 4ft. I want to be as enviromentally friendly as possible and would like to avoid additional energy use (electricity for pump for water circulation and filtering). Is it possible to do this without the water becomming … read more

I have a wooded area in my garden which was overgrown and I have just cleared. I plan to plant crocus, bluebell and snowdrops but need some inspiration for summer interest. What else can I plant which will give color in the shade ?

Hi Gerry, I am starting to put together a few ideas for our roofgarden/balcony area and hope to start as soon as possible. I read somewhere that it is best to use an extra special lightweight soil. I have tried to find it in some garden centres or on the internet and no such luck. … read more

we have builders in at the moment extending our patio it will be lovely but they have made the garden a mess in a few words no more grass its all lumpy and humpy how do we get it back into shape we are only garden novices weve a lot too learn

Hi Gerry, i laid decorative gravel on top of weed proof fabric which covers soil about 18 months ago. I am finding that with wet weather and footfall (last year!) water is pooling in the gravel and some areas are sinking underfoot. Should I have put hardcore on soil first and compacted it before the … read more

Ants have been excavating a vast cavern beneath my patio. Short of resorting to mass slaughter, which I am reluctant to do, have you any suggestions for discouraging them? Unfortunately they also invade my bedroom which is just beside.

I Want To Create An Circular Flower Bed In A Lawn Which Measures 163ft By 69ft. Any Advice On This Wound Be Welcome.

I am looking to build a small rockery in my garden,can you guide me through this

Hi Gerry, I would like to plant a tree or large shrub by the sea but something that the deer wont eat ?

We have been working on a rockery in our garden and to prevent soil from drifting down onto the rockery from above we thought a line of evergreen shrubs would be ideal. Could you suggest a low growing shrub which doesn’t need pruning for this area. It is a place that receives full sun. We … read more

Not a horticultural question but still a garden question. I have a patio of indian sandstone which is now quite stained with small black circular discrete marks, almost appearing like a fungus or lichen.The marks are quite random, some stones being affected and others not at all. Despite use of a proprietary patio cleaner and … read more

Gerry, thank you for your response to my question on beech hedge I am helping plant pots for a restaurant courtyard. The restaurant will be opened in may I would appreciate if you could advise on possible combinations using what is currently in flower Any suggestions on unusual looking plants/flowers to include welcome. Regards, Mary … read more

gerry, i am looking for a plant to put on boundary wall between me& neighbours for privacy. About 12 tall, maybe 3 or 4 wide but not “deep” at all,not to take up space in my garden or grow into neighbours -ideally as if I was able to build up the wall to about 12 … read more

Hi Gerry, we are just starting to design a fairly large garden. We live in a fairly windy area and sometimes get a slight frost. There are a few areas I would like to grow clusters of possibly 3 trees together. I particularly like evergreen trees, some with a bit of colour, I would be … read more

Do you have any suggestion, please, for the removal of blanket weed in a pond? There are fish in it. I have been doing it manually but with very limited success. Many thanks

Can you please recommend a screen to cover a high wall at the rear of a long narrow garden, overlooked at rear? Privacy is an important goal. I would like year-round interest if possible.

I am thinking of making a small rockery near the front of the house. Some people think it’s a great idea, others think I’m mad because it will make more work. What do you think?