I have 2 hamburg grape vines planted in a polycarbonate lean-to greenhouse. The rights are inside but in a raised bed 18″high. This is their 2nd season. There was a lot of growth last year. I pruned them back to train then up the wall. I dug in well rotted dung last November. They started … read more

3 year old vine, produced healthy leaves this season but now leaves have curled up, brown spots, withered and died – any solution?

I have one Black Hamburg grapevine in a glasshouse. It is 30 years old. Grape crops were excellent up to 6 years ago when it was attacked by mealybugs brought in on an ornamental plant. How can I get rid of this pest chemically? I have tried control by cleaning off old bark, squashing egg-nests, … read more

I sowed a vine about three years ago, rooted outside and trained it inside the glasshouse. There has been plenty of growth and flowers. However towards the end of June the flowers fail to develope further- no obvious signs of pests or disease. I have used no spray to date. What is the cause of … read more

i have a grapevine in my conservatory affected by mildew. during the dorment season what treatment should i apply and simularly during the growing season. a lot of references are made to Captan ?

I got a black seedless grape and have it in the glass house,it has what looks like tiny grapes but now seems to be growing little shoots from the grape and are just falling off, i have it in a container as the floor is cement,do they need plenty of room for the roots?

Chriss Bowers in the uk sells grape vines that are mildew resistant. i read on this website you recomended varieties that are resistant.where can i obtain them.because my glasshouse is at the bottom of a slope i have not been able to grow grapes.tried black hamburg on many occassions.

I have bought a grape plant about 15 inches in height, it is already planted with roots outside and head inside a poly house. Please advise on the best method of training? it already has 1 or 2 laterals.

I have a 40 year old grape vine in a conservatory that I have been maintaining for many years. It is rooted externally and i don’t feed it or water it. In recent years crops of fruit have been quite small compared to prior years. I wonder if a new vegetable patch behind the conservatory … read more

I have a Boskoop Glory vine in the green house that I planted last Nov. New shoots are appearing but it has tiny white/opaque spots on them, What are these and how do I treat it.I have blackcurrant bush in garden. I found a leaf with blisters on it, only one leaf. What is this … read more

I have got as far as you have given about pruning grapevines but you did not, it appears, show how to prune them.

Have a vine grown from seed pips, 15 years now, and grows lovely sized grapes each year, and taste lovely too. Root is outside and vine runs through a glass-house.Is this a new variety, and can it be registered as a new variety?

I have three vines in the greenhouse in pots, all growing well but they are not bearing any flower stems at all. This is their second year, and I was told that maybe there is a problem with the soil ph what is the best fertiliser to use to give the vines the right conditions … read more

Hi Gerry, My wife just gave me a Vitis Boskoop Glory grapevine, that she bought in Avoca. I have recently built a greenhouse, that has a very sunny aspect – someone suggested to grow the grapevine outdoors, but to possibly trail the vine into the greenhouse for a higher yield of grapes. Have you any … read more

I purchased a Black Hamburgh grape this spring ,the root being outside my greenhouse,the main stem going vertical to the roof space and below two side shoots ,when trying to bend each of these sie shoots to my support wires in the greenhouse they both brocke off fomr the main stem leaving me with just … read more

I have three vines in my greenhouse and I get a lot of growth in the spring-summer. although I get a good crop of grapes should I cut back this green growth as I do with tomatoes. ie side shoots, to get a better crop?

i have 3 grape vines i bought last year in pots they are about 6 ft tall and there are tiny bunces of grapes starting to grow. do i need to do anything they are in a large glass porch do they need to be planted in the ground i have a greenhouse i could … read more

Hello Gerry,I was given a present of a vine about two and a half years ago. I was told to put the root outside the greenhouse and bring the rest of the plant inside. This I did. How long will it take before I can get fruit from it? Has there been an article in … read more

hi,gerry,i planted a blackhamburg 25 yrs ago in a unheated green house.i traned it as single rod.the rod developed to 25 ft and produced about 30 bunches of lovely grapes.but for the last three years it has produced no flowers or fruit but plenty of lush foliage, I did all the necessary nipping out each … read more

When can I redirect a grapevine in the glasshouse

Gerry, where can grape vines be bought in Ireland, preferably in Limerick /Munster region?

gerry i was given 2 grape vines lately, i have a 40ft /8ft high/polly tunnel is it possible for me to grow these vines in it or would you have any other suggestions .i also grow all my bedings lillys and small scrubs //