I have been growing garlic successfully for years. This year, the garlic grew strongly at first. But, in the last month, it has all wilted and vanished. On either side of the garlic, white and red onions are growing well. .

I planted garlic cloves on Oct 18, and now, 3 weeks later, I can see 5cm shoots above the ground. Is this normal? I had somehow thought the cloves were meant to lie dormant over the winter.

How far into the soil should I plant garlic bulbs?

I crush a garlic clove and soaked it in water and used it to spray the pepper plant’s , Are the green fly dead or do i repeat spraying?

I intend growing garlic now and wonder if it can be grown in large pots/troughs. What type of compost and or manure can I use.

garlic flowers in olive oil fermenting dangerous?

This year my garlic bulbs have mildew on the tubers ,I had to take them out of the garden early. Could you please tell me the reason?

I planted my garlic in March of this year, and the plants are nearly 2 ft tall, with the leaves beginning to turn yellow. When should these be ready for harvesting? Most people seem to have planted last August/September, and am wondering did I plant my garlic too late?

I have never grown garlic . Where can i buy bulbs. What do you recommend i buy any tips.

When planting garlic do you plant the whole bulb or do you devide the cloves and plant individually ?

Is it to late to plant garlic,if not should i plant them in a polytunnel or outside?


Having difficulty purchasing garlic seed for autumn planting. germidour white pearl can you help.