Patchy and stunted new sown lawn in April this year – any ideas ? – is it too late in the year for a product such as green comfort recovery

What product (what brand) should I use to get rid of moss before raking it out and what to use to feed the lawn and fix patchy areas? Is it ok to do it all now in March?

Newly laid grass on a south facing lawn in April this year, on a well churned topsoil using a rotovator. Last month or so have had a lot patches of grass turning yellow in the middle of the lawn, no dogs or cats in the household, also a lot of thinning grass too, what might … read more

Ive got few questions.Is it too early to scarify? Can you spray dicophar directly after and apply feed aswell? Trying to get sorted before Winter. Also, when scarifying should you go in few diff directions, or just over the area once in one direction?

Last year, on my big  2 year old lawn,there appeared big brown patches filled with dried dead grass. I ‘ve tried to rake and spread more lawn seeds and lawn feed on the patches but don’t see any changes so far. Grass is not growing as quick and thick as it used to. What can … read more

Is poultry manure (pelletted) a suitable lawn feed?

I’ve just put nitrogen on my grass as instructed on the label, it has now gone yellow – can I save it?

Is lime good for lawns at start of year.Have 1 acre of lawn which looks weak and mossy in patches.What agricultural fertiliser will I use in spring to get it back to life.

My lawn was sown a year ago and I applied fertilizer (agricultural – due to size of lawn) in late April/early May. It was nice and green but now the fertilizer is gone and there are alot of white patches – the soil/drainage is not great. I was in to the garden centre and they … read more

What would you recommend for my lawn which is hungry and also needs greening up?

I have a large lawn. 1/2 acre or so. Is solid or liquid fertiliser more economical.

Can you please advise if the spreading of cold ashes from a coal/briquette fire has any benefit good/bad on my lawn?

I have a decent sized back garden which is mainly grass, it is quiet uneven and there if it was taken up, I am sure we would find a lot of builders rubble underneath. As a result, the drainage is quiet bad in parts and the surface is quiet uneven. Just to add to the … read more

My lawn was sown a year and a half ago and was lovely and rich green in colour last spring but as summer and autumn came so did yellow patches. I have an acre of lawn and yellow patches are quiet noticeable but grass is still very much alive. With spring coming what fertiliser or … read more

Is it too late to put nitrogen on my lawn, also I have a green beech hedge 90% of it is very strong but 10% directly under a large tree is weak. Is there any feed I can put on this 10% to help them.

I have a new lawn, when sowing I spread 0-7-30, it is coming along nicely but it has some yellow patches, what should I spread now to bring it nice and green. Also, is it safe to spray a new lawn for dock leaves at this time that have grown and what would you recommend.

I have a 16 month lawn however its a bit yellow and not growing quickly, I was looking at putting down a fertilizer but don’t know what one to get, also it is quite a large area and would need around 30 – 40kgs. Where is the best place to buy this amount?

Does commercial fertilizer (e.g. 27-2.5- 5) when used on lawns produce faster and coarser growth than that specially compounded for lawns which, generally, seems to have a much lower nitrogen content? Also, is the commercial variety depleted more quickly in the soil than the regular lawn type?

Our Lawn has alot of brown patches We sat it last year it was a nice rich green Colour.. In the last 3weeks it seems to have alot of brown patches… We have not used any feed on it..? ? Should I apply something to make it greener??

I put away too much fertilizer on my neighbours 30 + year old lawn 10 days ago in dry weather. Now there is highly noticeable yellow patches allover her lawn. What can I do to rectify the situation without having to put top soil mixed with grasseed on patches.It is raining today in Cork today … read more

I wish to get some organic slow release lawn fertiliser to cover an area of about one third acre. Which one would you recommend and where can I buy it?

In the past I have heard you advocate the use of mulching mowers as they return nutrients to the lawn. Does this suggest then, that one ought to use a low nitrogen fertilizer- NPK 14:3:9 – (available in supermarkets) as a supplement rather than the recommended high nitrogen content?

Would 7:6:17 be a suitable fertilizer for lawns both in spring & autumn or should one use a higher nitrogen content during the growing season and use the lower nitrogen content (7:6:17) in autumn?

Can I use gouldings 7-6-17 as fertilizer on my lawn? what rate do I use ?

My lawn is about 3/4 acre in total. Grass growth has been weak in many parts and a lot of moss has appeared throughout large parts of the lawn, particularly since last summer. I applied sulphate of iron at about 7.5g per sqm last week and will be scarifying the worst affected mossy areas this … read more

I have just sowed a new lawn and am wondering when I should first apply fertilizer and what type I should apply?

We had our lawn sown in May and it still has not completely filled it yet and seems very weedy. Is it too early to use lawn weedkiller and should we give it a feed or will that spread the weeds further?

I planted a Chamomile lawn in spring and it has done really well. I trimmed it back in july but left some which flowered beautifully. I wonder now tho’ what I should do with it now and in spring? IT has some weeds, which I will pull out but should I feed it, if so, … read more

We sowed a new 3/4 acre lawn on a new build site in early June. Edges are fine but centre is very yellow and thin. Could I feed the lawn now while there is still growth and if so what would you recommend?

We did a PH test on our lawn soil and it returned as 8.5PH. Is there anything we can do to take this level down to 6.5 or do we need to re dig and re sow our lawn? The lawn is 300metres sq.

Have an acre of lawn. In parts it is not very thick.Is developing small patches of what looks like dyng grass which after a while run into eachother to give large areas. Tips of grss have a red hue in these problem areas. I think its red thread. Anyway I think it needs a good … read more

I planted my new lawn last July 09, there was a alot of rain after planting, cold winter,dry spring. There is some bare spots and lawn is very yellow looking when cut now, growth is slow. Should I water the garden as the soil is very dry, what can be done for bare areas and … read more

My lawn is patchy and brown in one half . In March I put on a top dress of fertilizer/ compost / grass seed. I used Westland feed/ weed / moss killer in April and Westland Aftercut , after each cut. I treated the patchs with miracle grow patch miricle. It gets cut at least … read more

I planted a new garden in March/April.Could you advise me as to where I could buy a greenhouse in Ireland? I am looking for a 10ft by 8ft.191The Lawn has grown reasonable well to about 6 cm but is patchy and lots of weeds are coming through. The back garden is particularly patchy. Any recomendation … read more

How can I control pearlwort on my lawn? I’ve killed it and re-seeded,but it keeps coming back in other parts of the lawn.

Lawn set last September 2009. Fed it with 4 seasons lawn feed from garden centre a week ago when weather was dry. Rain arrived and mowing will have to be put back until weather improves. Need to know for next feeding in about 8 weeks time I presume can feed be applied when the rain … read more

I have clover growing rapidly throughout my lawn. What is the best way of managing this. My lawn is iin its second year.

my lawn seems to be thatchy looking it looks like straw/wheat is growing in areas of it some parts of the lawn are a nice lush green no weeds what can i use to get rid of this horrible thatchy look also there seems to be circular roots in patches around it i have mowed … read more

Can you tell me where i can get some 25-5-5 fertilizer for my half acre lawn i am in Galway?

Can i fertilise a new lawn. I set the seed late last summer. it’s a bit patchy after it first cut and i wondered if i could feed it?

I have a problem with my lawn it is very patchy and yellow in most of the lawn i am in a new house and set it early last september and it came on well i cut it about 3 or four times before middle of october but after winter i have not cut it … read more

I just saw the email from where it said 10-10-20 did not have enough nitrogen for feeding a lawn after the winter. I put 10-10-20 on my lawn last week, is there any way to boost the nitrogen now or could I put 20-10-20 on now or would I damage the lawn by over … read more

Over an acre of new lawn set in September 2009. Conflicting advice being received regarding whether or not to feed it this Spring. It survived floods and frost and snow since November. No mowing done yet due to zero growth. If feed is recommended could you suggest the correct feed for the lawn please and … read more

I purchased Miracle Grow Lawn Feed. Is this suitable to use now, or should I get a spring feed. Is liquid feed better or worse than granular feed?

I treated for moss and scarified my lawns in October but before they had a chance to reestablish we had tradesmen tramping all over them for weeks. It is such a sorry sight I bought a hollow tine aerator to try help revive it but dont know at what distance to use the gadget. Can … read more

What is the best way to use organic chicken manure?. What are the best use for ashes from a pellet burner?

I sowed a 1.5 acre lawn at the begining of June. I fertillized it with 10-10-20 in August, which resulted in a good consistent green lawn. However, now there are large patches of yellowish/light green areas. Should I fertilize it again now, or wait until March/April? If now, what is the best fertilizer to use … read more

I have been told that wood ash from a small iron stove are so burnt out that they are useless for the garden. Is this so? At the moment I throw them onto the lawn, is this OK?

Our lawn was set about 3 years ago but we werent given the keys for a while after so the grass was after growing very long by then so it never really recovered. We now have burnt grass and loads of clover. I have given it feed etc.. but its still burnt & patchy looking … read more

Q1 What kind of feed can I use on a turf lawn thats down 12 months? It’s quite patchy, not at all lush and very wet at the moment. Q2 The heavy rain has caused the flowers on my hydrangea to rest on the ground, rather than be upright on the plant – any suggestions … read more

Laid a new sod lawn about two months ago and was wondering if I can fertilize it?.It seems well established but very green on sides with good growth and yellowish in the middle with not such a good growth.Soil I suppose is not great even though well rotavated.Cut one bit by accident and went yellow … read more

I’m having a lot of trouble trying to establish my lawn its been planted three years now and has never really taken off. I have given it fertilizer twice this year (once weed and feed) but all I seem to be able to grow are mass bunches of clover and what appears to be shamrock … read more

I have read recent articles advising to spread nitrogen based products to help fertilise and green the lawn. Although I am careful to water afterwards I find that I am left with brown scorched marks throughout the lawn. Can you advise on what product to use which will green my lawn but avoid this damage. … read more

I sowed a 1 acre lawn 2 weeks ago on June 5, 2009. Already, the grass is appearing reasonably well in some areas, but not at all in other areas. A friend told me that I need to fertilize it. However, all the info on the internet suggests that I should not. Can you suggest … read more

why is my lawn different shades of green when same seed was used to sow it approx two years ago.

I set grade 2 grass seed on my new lawn 5 weeks ago. In the last week I have noticed that some of the grass is turning yellow and its brown on the tips. Other areas of the garden are growing fine. I installed a drainage system last year and it is working well. I … read more

what is the best and quickest way to feed a lawn what equipment is needed.

should i feed the lawn before I aerate it or does it matter,when is the best time to do these jobs?

Im no gardener but my lawn looks worn and is damp and compacted will aeration help couuld you recommend a lawn feed ..also I would like to put some hedging between my house and next door ..something that wont get too high and wide could you recommend

I recently cut my grass and it was very dry and white in colour.My soil is very dry/sandy.Can you recommend a product to feed it and get rid of some weeds – (thistles and leaves)

Hi our back garden doesnt get alot of sunlight and the grass is growing healthy in parts but very sparse in other parts. How can i get a healthy lawn?

Gerry, To my recent question on stable manure, your answer was to be careful when using it as a compost. Would it be suitable as a lawn dressing, and when, and rich or sparingly?

hi gerry. i have a large barrel half full of chicken and turkey manure. i have topped it up with water and i was wondering if i could use the watermanure mix on my lawn and plants.if i can use the mix do you think it would be as good as the feed that you … read more

my soil is not very good and i would like to know what nutrients it needs as i would like to try and have a nice lawn for the summer no matter what i do i just cant seem to get a nice lawn thank you william.

Lawn of approx. one acre. Some poor patches but generally OK. We usually keep it cut short so it looks reasonable, but we have docks, thistles (tight to the ground so mower misses them) and clover and would like to feed and weed now in preparation for winter.

Hi Gerry, New to the site and have to say some great advice.I need advice on my newish lawn.I sowed the lawn last april and im not impressed with the results.Some of it is green but most of it is not great at all.Wondering if i should put fertilizer on it or some of them … read more

Hi recently sown a new lawn thats been down now for 3 months.Parts of the lawn have come up yellow in colour and i have feed it with 7-6-17,is it too soon to feed the lawn after sowing?.and how often can i apply fertiliser to the lawn?can a lawn be over fed?

Hi Gerry, I planted a paeonia lutea var ludlowii in april 2006 in a fairly ideal spot but again this year there are no flower buds.Its thriving otherwise.I fed it in august last year and the year before.Any advice would be welcome,thanks.

Hi Gerry..I need your advise to improve my lawn which in places is patchy and growth is not good, i put fertilizer down 10-10-20 but for the area to which growth is bad this did not work. Could you please advise if possible solutions and recomendations. For info when my top soil came i was … read more

My garden is very mossy. High trees used to surrounded it, but last Summer I removed them – it now gets more light and sun. I applied 7:6:17 two weeks ago and today used a scarifier and spread lawn seed afterwards on top of the freshly scarified lawn. Was this the right thing to do … read more

Gerry How do I treat a lawn that was once good but is now neglected and has weeds and some clumps of spikey grass in it james

Hi Gerry, Having problems trying to grow a new lawn it was planted last august and has not grown very well, patchy and yellow. Tried putting some 10-10-20 fertilizer on it but made no difference. Raked in some multi purpose compost from woodies in two areas and the grass has visable improved in a week. … read more