I’m a complete novice to garden – set a new lawn six weeks ago – it’s a small bit patchy – with a few weeds – when is the right time to start cutting – and could you recommend anything to kill off weeds.

My question is: I would like to create a wildflower meadow in the 4-acre riverside sheltered field that adjoins my cottage. I need to remove tough grass but preserve certain areas which are filled with bluebells in the Spring. I have researched the basic principles of creating such a wildflower meadow but would like to … read more

In recent times, I have only done the basics for my lawn so it’s long overdue some attention. It’s a little bit patchy in places and I have some clover type weeds. I believe my Soil is Sand type and I will get a PH test soon. Could you help advice the order of doing … read more

I recently seeded my new lawn and am now preparing for the first cut. Someone had mentioned to me that I should not collect the grass on the first cut and instead leave it sit on the lawn to act as fertilizer. Is this a good idea and will it make any difference?

I have a new lawn only three years old and lately it has being covered with scutch grass, can I add anything or spray anything to get rid of it?

i have put down a new lawn four weeks ago and i am just wondering for the first few cuts will i collect the grass or is it best to mulch it without the box on the lawnmower.

I have recently moved to Ireland and have a huge back garden that i wish to make into a flower garden, how do i compost all the grass clippings that i am about to get?

Put new lawn in end of August 2011 grass grew very well. However it is now full of small weeds – leave resemble nettles but much smaller and have a smal purple flower. So disappinted as we thought we had prepared ground very well – weedkiller etc. Can we use lawn weedkiller in April and … read more

I would like to know your opinion on using grass clippings for mulching a flower border and a shrub border. We produce a lot of clippings when the lawn is growing and I have been putting some of them on the borders to cut down weeds, conserve moisture and to rot down into the soil … read more

I have about one acre in lawn and whilst I mulch as much as I can there are times I do have to cut and collect. I dump the cut grass in two dirty corners in the garden but now they are just unusable as they contain a dreadful gunge. I cannot drive the mower … read more

Grass growth retardant for steep slope quarter of an acre in Co. Kilkenny? Please recommend a product. In USA this product is sold for that purpose RITE-HITE® CONCENTRATE GROWTH RETARDANT- Growth Retardant #S6532

I would like to convert our existing large lawn area into a wild flower meadow. It already has a number of species-mostly dandelions at the moment, plantain and other! The Irish Times had an offer of grass seed with native Irish wild flowers in it. Would this be a good idea or should one just … read more

I carried out repairs on my lawn last October, probably left it too late in the year. I burned off the grass, rotovated it and sown new lawn seed, It was a very cold winter and the lwn not is very patchy in places and some weeds have developed. Can you advise me what steps … read more

Is it ok to give the lawn its first light cut of the season in this sunny weather even though the night temperatures are cool with ground frost so should I hold off for a another while yet?

I have an acre of lawn. It has been getting harder to cut it, each year I have to raise the mower as it is getting so thick and stalky. When I separate the grass to look at the stems, the bottom half of the grass is all yellow. There is quite alot of moss … read more

I need your opinion regarding to what options I have. My house is in a terraced housing estate and the medium-sized long rectangle back garden is divided from my neighbours’ (on each side) with the common chain-link wire fencing. I have, and still am, in the process of planting several shrubs along the fence as … read more

what is a mulching mower?

I sowed my lawn in May, grass is patchy and a lot of thristles and general weeds grown in it.1. How can i kill these off?2. what is the best fertilizer to promote the grass?3. Should I get more grass seed and shake it in the patchy areas?I mowed it about 8 inches from ground … read more

had to have an enormous beech tree felled under which i had cyclamen snow drops fritillaries cillas etc etc.if i put down an alternative lawn will all my spring bulbs be able to penetrate and flower. was thinking of thyme or camomile . any suggestions and where can i buy the seedsKind regards

Can discarded grass cuttings be used in any environmentally friendly way instead of just throwing them in a corner of the garden to fade away.It seems a shame not to be able to put them to some good use at a stage where they have sufficiently decayed. I have a huge lawn and when weather … read more

My back lawn is out of control. Live in the countryside so it’s like field grass, weeds…etc….a foot high and uneven. Now it’s a big space, approx 22metres wide, 22metres long. So do I1. Hit with Roundup now.2. Wait about 3 weeks, hit with roundup again.3. Hire a Rotavator4. Rake5. Had some topsoil6. Then re-seed

Can you recommend a good garden edging shears please. I have alot of garden to edge and cant seem to be able to buy a good one.

I have quite a large area of ‘wild’ grass, that is of no other use than just being there and provide cover for whatever is looking for it. I know it should be cut only sparingly. When would that be: Now? (April was too wet and too cold for much growth) although now is pretty … read more

I have just sown a new lawn. Grass is starting to grow. When should I cut and if there are patches there the seed has not taken should I re/over seed. Finally Is it ok to roll the garden as there are a number of stones etc I would like to roll in…

I am laying edging bricks around a section of my lawn.What is the correct level to set them for mowing later on. Level with about an inch of grass, level with soil or just below soil level.

My lawn has a new type of grass growing in it. I dont know what it is,but it seems coarse and has seed heads and it seems to spreading. Can I kill this off? If so what would do the trick?

In a response to an earlier question you had recommended a Wildflower Lawn, rather than a Meadow, indicating a meadow might be a problem as Regards mowing. What is the difference. I thought that with a meadow, it only required cutting once or twice in the season.If this is the case, in order to minimise … read more

Years ago, when everyone used cylinder mowers, I was told to alternate lawnmowing directions; longitudinally one week, transversely the next. I can understand why this is desirable with a cylinder mower, but is it still needed with a rotary mower/lawn tractor on a relatively level surface? With my long, narrow lawns transverse mowing is a … read more

Just moved into a brand new house and the lawn has grown well in places but completely bare in others. Its also full of weeds. Should I mow the lawn, kill weeds, reseed bald areas then feed lawn? or should I just rotavate & start again with the entire lawn?I’m a complete beginner to this … read more

4 years ago i dug up my back garden wich is quite large, & put top soil on it, i left it to my husband to seed it, i went away for 2 weeks when i came home weeds had grown very high..he never seeded it. so i left it like that..i cant bear to … read more

Is it too early to mow the lawn?

is it ok to mow even if there is frost at night time?

New grass seed put down three weeks ago. It’s coming up great but in some places it seems to be dying off in patches. Is there anything you can recommend for this or should we dig it up again.

Hi Gerry, Merry Xmas! I am a new gardener and have rather large garden, i am starting from scratch and want to know the best time and way of making a back garden into a lawn. it is quite rough even though weve tried to keep it but the ones before us didnt!any help appreaciated, … read more

I have a very large area of lawn – almost two acres in a limestone area – which I have just had cleared of briars and ferns. Five years ago it was rich green grass but I let it go wild due to illness and now with the briars and ferns cut it is very … read more

I would like to create a wild flower meadow in part of my garden, what do I need to do now to prepare for it? The soil is of poor quality with lots of weeds and rough grass.

Hi Gerry,We have recently bought the Flymo Pac a Shredder 2500. What a great piece of kit! My question lies with Phormium leaves. Does anyone know whether it is able to shred them? In the past our lawnmower has had to make a trip or two to the mower hospital when it got in contact … read more

how to successsfully compost grass cuttings

Gerry I have a new lawn for two years now and it is quite good quality. I would like to work on it over the next few years to try to get it to a standard wher I could use it as a putting green. Am I wasting my time.