I have a raised bed in a small unheated greenhouse. In summer I have tomato plants in it. Last winter I overwintered strawberry plants in it. this year I would like some colour in it for winter. Can you recommend anything? It fits about 10 tomato plants. The greenhouse is not made of glass.

Can you suggest a reason as to why begonias, although covered in lush healthy leaves, are not producing flowers? They are potted since beginning of May! I didn’t use fresh compost but, replaced the top few inches and added some Fish-Blood & Bonemeal NPK 5 : 1.3 : 4.2 Would removing some of the leaves … read more

1.5 metre high Orange tree in container (pit planted Jan. 1999) dropping leaves continuously with no apparent reason/visible damage. Leaves are pliable/healthy and smell of orange if rubbed but they are falling directly from the stem. Kept on enclosed, unheated porch year-round. Used an all-purpose pre-mixed liquid plant food for the first time in early … read more

I bought this plant a few months ago thinking it was a Christmas Cactus however it has only just flowered in the past two weeks. Also the flowers close at night or if the sun doesn’t shine they don’t actually open. Have you any idea what this plant is?

I would like to know where I can get the Edible Barbadenis Aloe Vera plant, please.

Have you ever heard of a Moon Flower? Its a flower that comes out when the sun goes down and has a wonderful scent. If you have heard of it or seen it somewhere, could you please let me know where I can souce the plant. Alternatively can you enlighten me on flowers that open … read more

I was wondering if you could tell me where I could purchase a red Passion flower as I have the purple ones and pure and white but cannot find a red one or any other colour.

I would like to to know how to prune my Jade ( Crassula Ovata) plant ( tree ) ideally I would prefer not to have to but it has become too big for its location. You will see from the photograph just how large it is.

Last spring I noticed a small plant in my garden with a large fig type leaf and I decided to leave it to see what it grew into. When the stem reached about 18 inches a nodding small blue flower with a yellow centre was produced. The plant is now about 3 ft, a single … read more

My father gave me this plant before Christmas and said it was a kumquat grown from seed of fruit sourced in Florida. I gave it to a friend who has an orangery thinking that it should fit in nicely. The thing is that it doesnt resemble a kumquat plant from what we can see. Do … read more

Hymenocallis narcissiflora/Ismene what is eating the above plant? I planted the bulb in Spring and long strap like leaves grew very well but they are being ‘stripped’ by something and at this stage, there is hardly anything left of the leaves

sticky, honey like substance on some leaves of lemon tree brought back indoors after being outside for summer. what is causing it. How can I treat it?

I am growing a lemon tree in a pot in my living room. It was previously in a greenhouse ahd produced fruit. It is producing healthy leaves now but no flowers or fruit. Somtimes I see little black coloured “twigs” that break off it. Can you advise?

I have 100 carnation plants in a plastic tunnell with good size buds on them i have a wedding on 5th of nov how can i get them to full bloom for then tips on watering feeding.

I have a newly installed south facing porch. Looking for ideas for a plant or maybe fruit tree that would look well and survive. The leaves on my tomato plant have started to droop badly. What can I do to bring it back to health?Would blueberry work and look well ?

Could you name this plant please?

Just wondering should my calla lilies have begun to show yet – I planted them outdoors about the 10th March and there is still no sign of them breaking through the soil – what can I do about them? I planted gladiolus at the same time and they are popping up now.

My question is regarding the pruning of this shrub. I have a small specimen that has been totally stripped of its leaves over the winter and im wondering can i cut it back to encourage regeneration? Or is it just too tender? Would a light prune encourage it to put on new leaf?

My indoor cyclamon has little hard seeds at the end of it’s shoot when teh flower dies off. Can I plant these to propogate it and if so how?

What are freesia corms?

I have an angel trumpet, which is flowering at present…it has grown very tall and I would appreciate it if you have any advice on the best way to prune it after flowering.

Advice needed for planting & caring for Tibouchina shrub. Kildare location (bog)

I am growing Frangipani from seed this year. A seedling germinated for me on 29 January and grew well until I potted it on. The packet came with dire warnings about root disturbance so I transplanted the seedling complete with its compost from the the original cell. The seed case was stuck on the top … read more

trying to find out about a flower, it had a large bulb one long stem, slim narrow leaves flowers smell like honeysuckle. yellowish in colour petals on flower curl intowards stem

I have a green house, not heated, but would like to start off some bulbs but how do I water them and how often?

I have a Bougainvillia about 7 years old It is thriving on homemade compost. It is full of green leaves and purple Flowers and some of my family want cuttings when can I take cuttings?

I would love if you can help to name this plant, it’s been in the family for generations growing in a tub. We devide and share out the bulbs every couple of years but have no name for it. It produces these beautiful flowers in August/September and needs little attention.

I have an aeonium canariense (two tone – green and sort of aubergine! Anyway – I potted it on to a bigger pot in June and it thrived. But in the last week it appears to wilt during the day. What should I do?

Have you ever heard of this plant and does it work, its supposed to deter cats and dogs as they dislike the smell of the plant. Do most garden centres sell it?

I have a weird problem with my Datura and I wonder if anyone has come across it before?My Datura is flowering. It is of the double flowered type. That is to say, the flower is supposed to be double-decked with an inner bell shape and an outer one. The first flower opened and when I … read more

I cut back my abuliton today 18.02.09 not hard but removing a foot or two off a 10 foot plant and i would like to know if i can propogate these. I know that abuliton have a short life and i would like to keep it going.

I have been given a present of spider lilly and don.t know which way to plant it. There is a little growth on it and it has legs like a spider. Is this the top or the bottom. Thanks for your help. Phyllis

I bought a pot plant called Pandorea for indoors. It got too big and I planted it into a bigger pot and put it outdoors and it is beautiful, I just love it. I would love to get another one to climb on a sunny wall, can you tell me where I could buy one … read more

Gerry,I recently wrote to you regarding my Angels trumphets which were pot bound. My now question is, as you mentioned, although pot bound, if cut back and protected from frost, they will last nexst year if planted into the ground.How do I cut them back, i.e. where and how far back? Also, as they are … read more

Hi Gerry, I grew a Mondia whitei from seed and have a specimen outdoors though it has put on very little growth this year, its second year. I got the seeds from Chiltern seed. I also have a specimen in a sunroom which is west facing and is full of leaves but no flowers at … read more

Where can I purchase the shrub Bougainvillea? I love it. I have a southly facing sheltered site(building at moment) can picture this plant there.

i have a bird of paradise in a glasshouse for 1 year.it hasn’t produced any flowers. the label that came with plant says it flowers between december and april. is this correct?

I sent you a photo of the bougainvillea leaf but may have sent it to the wrong section. I have had my plant about 10 years and never know what type of compost to repot it in. I gave it some rhododendron feed and the result is yellow leaves with dark green veins. Also very … read more

Trying to trace Polygala Myrtitolia to buy? We bought in Cornwall last year but unfortunately lost it during the winter. Can you suggest any Irish nursery to try? Also the Climber Mandville. many Thanks. Eilis

Hi Gerry, I couldnt find the answer to this in the other sections so I thought I would direct it to you. In my porch I have a Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum Jasminoides) which I planted last year in a pot about 1ft wide and deep. It grew and flowered well. This year trained last years … read more

I have glassed in my north facing arched doorway. I would like to put pot plants in the space created. What can you recommend?.

a shrub commonly called “Yesterday Today and Tommorow”. Seen in S.Africa…similar in structure to orange blossom,,, but blossoms are multi coloured (pink purple,white) and beautifully perfumed.. (I have a photo of it)

Hi Gerry would appreciate any help you could give me or pointers in identifying my cactus. I have added the photos to my garden as there was no facility here. The cactus has 4 colums each 3cm in diameter. It is now 6 ft tall. Thanks Passiflora