This revolting slimy algae is forming on gravel/stone surfaces ~ pathways, carparks, cobbles. We think it’s Nostoc. First (modest) appearance was in 2010; now it’s widespread, sometimes in carpets up to 1.5cm thick (and counting).. Thrives on rain, even in this cold weather. Very unsightly, dangerously slippery underfoot. Can you suggest a chemical for control … read more

I am starting to build my patio and want to dot some plants within it as it is quite large. I would love to plant a Clematis over a large rock in a squared off area covered with chippings. I have several clematis is mind as I would like a strong grower and perhaps one … read more

i am redesigning my garden i am takeing up all shrubs and putting down coloured stones my neighbour suggest i use bleash to kill any weeds before i lay the stones my question should i take her advice

We have a footpath outside our sliding doors. We want to lay a patio. Is it possible to pave over the footpath and continuing paving onto the “grass” area to make the patio larger? Is it likely the slabs on the “grass” area would move over time causing cracking between the slabs set on the … read more

Can you please help. I have dark algae on gravel and can get rid of it. Swells up in wet conditions. qite slippery. tried weedkiller, mosskiller, lawn sand, and mogathon- No good. Have tried picking it up but very slow process. any suggestions?

I have an issue with the location of my garden shed. It’s in a north facing garden and we put it at the back of the garden but facing the patio doors (on the back left of the garden, west) The reason for this is the sun lasts longer in the evenings on the right, … read more

My enclosed patio measures 12ft wide by 23 long. My sitting room faces onto it. It has a wooden railing along the front. A sun room faces onto one side and a low red bri ck wall makes up the 4th side. It is paved with ordinary grey slabs, not in great condition. Unfortunately it … read more

I’m looking for about ten large stepping stones in random (circularish or oval) shapes approximately one metre in diametre to creat a pathway. I’ve tried all of the large quarries have been unsuccessfull to date. Can you please let me know if you know where I could try to find the stones? Many thanks,

I have red and black patio slabs in my garden and they have faded to a very dirty colour even though they are well looked after . any suggestions on how to get the colour back ie paint ? also i have a wisteria 4 years and still no flowers.

I am having trouble with moss continually appearing on tarmac & paths even when treated with proprietry brands Are there any more powerful & longlasting chemicals which kill moss and then have the same effect as simazine in stopping moss reappearing.

Can you please tell me what I should use to remove algae from pebbles I have along paths and driveway ?

My father is eldery and has decided to lay stone chips down on the grass to save him having to cut the grass in the future. The level of the grass in terms of the pathway is low enough that we don’t have to take off the top layer of grass. QUE: Should we kill … read more

Over the past couple of years I have noticed a brownish slippery substance on my ‘tar and chips’ yard and paths. this has increased 200% this year and is very obvious when the ground is wet. It seems to shrink when the ground dries. In time it turns to moss and looks terrible. I cant … read more

I would like some help or advice on how to get rid of moss from a pavement. i would like to permanantly remove this moss. i’ve tried some products from various garden centre’s and applied as advised but they have only removed it temporarily.any help or advice would be appreciated

I am paving the entire of my concrete rectangular yard (15′ x 6′) with paving slabs. I have read the paving section but am wondering if I can lay the slabs on sand as I’m hoping to do the work myself and would be nervous about getting involved with concrete/mortar.

I’ve spent weeks strimming and weeding a big area that will eventually be covered with weed barrier/stones, but until that day I just want the area kept clear of weeds/grass. After clearing it, I sprayed with Roundup, but when new weeds/grass started growing, I found out that Roundup only kills active plants. I read somewhere … read more

Our back garden is paved with bricks and we cannot keep the weeds down. It has no drainage what so ever and when we remove the weeds they are back before we have finished whole area. we have tried weedkillers but to no avail. there is grass growing between the bricks aswell. What advice would … read more

Hi Gerry, we have a holiday home with small stones all around it. This is looking really bad with weeds. We have tried various weed killers, but with only very limited and short lived affect. Is there something we can use to kill all the variety of weeds and then seal the ground?Thanks

Gerry,We are laying a patio of about 100sqm and given its size are trying to keep price at reasonable level. Want to achieve the look of yellow sandstone paving and have seen dyded concrete paving slabs which look great but are worried about the colour fading over time (even though would seal it every 5 … read more

Hi Gerry, when laying stepping stones (unconnected) from my patio to my shed through my lawn, do I need to use sand & cement as a subbase, sand or can i just lay directly on topsoil?

We have recently removed old brick planters and now have a blank canvas at the front of our house. We have an old cement sidewalk that goes around the side of the house that we need to cover up or redue. I am wonderng about a low wooden walkway and deck. Is it okay to … read more

i spend a lot of time cleaning moss between patio bricks. I wanted to use a chemical spray, but was told that sprays stain the bricks. Do you know if this is true, or what would you suggest?

want to gravel my front garden as it is too tiny for grass. No fence, just leads to pavement and communal parking. How do I do this? how far do I dig down and do i put a mulch down before gravel goes on. Much Appreciated.

Hi Gerry, i laid decorative gravel on top of weed proof fabric which covers soil about 18 months ago. I am finding that with wet weather and footfall (last year!) water is pooling in the gravel and some areas are sinking underfoot. Should I have put hardcore on soil first and compacted it before the … read more

Ants have been excavating a vast cavern beneath my patio. Short of resorting to mass slaughter, which I am reluctant to do, have you any suggestions for discouraging them? Unfortunately they also invade my bedroom which is just beside.

Not a horticultural question but still a garden question. I have a patio of indian sandstone which is now quite stained with small black circular discrete marks, almost appearing like a fungus or lichen.The marks are quite random, some stones being affected and others not at all. Despite use of a proprietary patio cleaner and … read more