Could you suggest to me plants/shrubs that would grow in a rocky area that is shaded by trees, plants that spread and don’t need a lot of maintances, have already put in heathers and no joy, soil not great in it…would appreciate a few suggestions.

I have a South East facing raised bed part of the house blocks the sun from 1pm what plants can I grow in it?

We have a 2 acre south facing site in W. Mayo, very windy, 1/2 mile from the sea. Most of the site is peaty loam, very fertile although somewhat acid & wet in the lower part; also sandy soil on the hill (poor fertility, very stony). Up to now, we have focused on veg & … read more

I would like to create an area on my lawn which is awkward to mow. It is at the entrance to our driveway. The wall is curved and there would be some shade. I would like something that would not require too much work but would like a bit of colour also and some year … read more

I have recently made a raised circular bed in my lawn approx 15 ft in diameter. nothing has been planted yet. i am thinking of something evergreen, that will look good even in winter. the soil here is heavy clay.what wound i put in the middle of the bed. dont want shrubs that will take … read more

a lot of the garden is covered with grass, as high as 3 foot. I think I get the strimmer & cut the grass to the butt. Do I then take the top layer off before rotavating the soil or do I just start rotavating? Can I start now in the summer? I have help … read more

Please see picture attached,this bed to the left of the path on the way up to our patio is approx 4 yards x 3 yards and contains clay. Could you suggest what low growing low maintenance plants we could plant here that would be suitable in clay and would not grow too high that would … read more

We have a small barked area in our front garden which gets the sun (when it shines!). Could you advise me what plants would be suitable for this area which would flower through the autumn/winter? We are looking for low maintenance as we dont have ‘green fingers’!  

I need some planting advice. I have a west facing border about 25ft long. Depth varies between 2ft and 5ft. There is a standard garden block wall behind, with wicker screens. I’m looking to plant a range of plants with different height/colour/texture. Where do I start?

I am bringing my mother to Ireland October 7-18th and we will be in Co. Kerry and then Dublin for two days. She loves gardens and we would like to visit a few. Will there be flowers that late in the season? I am thinking of Bantry, Ilnacullen, Muckross and a couple of gardens in … read more

I got my garden landscaped nearly 4 years ago, but some of the plants dont really suit the garden as they are too big….its a medium size garden, one corner of the garden is shaded and damp…what should i grow there…alot of plants died in the frost so im ready for new plants……i need help … read more

Could you please recommend flower bulbs that 1.grow in exposed site(wind problen) 2.have good flowering period not need to be lifted in winter

please suggest two or three specific plants for patio border. raised bed against limestone slate wall. slabs black limestone to be topped with granite capping. size of border 13m x1m grass on other side.

I have a small garden with a raised border. I have a few plants in the border which do not need tending too much: conifers, rosemary and a couple of others but there is a large gap in the border which needs filling up. Have you any suggestions on what plants would fill this gap, … read more

Im a garden begineer and we have sown our lawn last year and now we are starting planting this year. I have 2 very big beds 10X20 ft- and I dont know anything about flower beds. Can you give me a few names of plants around 8 inches in height with colour that I can … read more

Please suggest colourful shrubs ( for all year round) that are suitable for a bed in partial shade, also can I put small bedding stones on this bed to stop the weeds comming up , even if I have delicate bulbs such as blue bells planted below.

Looking for advice on planting combination with an acer palmatum osakazuki. Size of Site is Approx 10m2 – Site is NW Facing in semi shade – Can you advise?

We have a brand new garden and have an area approx 6mx6m that I want with plants/shrubs of some kind in.I want Zero Maintenance if possible but want it to have some colour and look nice, I was going to put a weed block down with bark on top in between the plants. I live … read more

Could you please give me some advice re what to plant in my east facing border along our driveway. It is approximately 9 meters long and 1 meter deep with a Japanese maple (approx 8′ tall) at the entrace to the driveway. The border runs along a 3′ boundary wall.

I have some pylons within view of my house. Now that the leaves are falling off the trees they look closer than they are. How do I cover these up? What are the best trees/other to make the garden look lovely & draw the eye away from these? What’s the best way to plant them … read more

Just wondering what would be best to plant on bank (see attached photo). Bank is along busy road. Would like something relatively maintenance free and perhaps some colour. Roadside faces north. Soil quality would be average. Many thanks.

I want to plant a few pot flowers on my balcony. Can you please recommend a few perennial and annual flowers / plants with some colour that are relatively easy to take care of.

My wife and I have a shaded part in our garden and would love a japanese style moss garden, but are finding it hard to source seeds here in Ireland. Any ideas as to where we can find enough to cover approx a 5th of an acre? Thanks ,virgingardener

HI Gerry, just bought a new house in Kilcoole. Back garden is northfacing and I have built a shed & open roofed area across back wall. garden is small but slopes towards house. What would be the best design & plants for this garden? I do have 2 stella cherry trees, 1 Hazelnut tree, hydranga … read more

Hi Gerry, we have a farily big garden and are trying to get started with planting etc. There are 2 large old beech trees at the front with beds beneath them – in the shade, have you suggestions for what hardy plants/shrubs might grow successfully there with a splash of colour? At the back there … read more

After building an extension onto our house our front garden needs a complete redo. What would you suggest as low maintenance plants that look good all year around. We plan to put in a decent sized flower bed and a roll out lawn. We would need something that would screen a wall about 4.5 feet … read more

I have a wooded area in my garden which was overgrown and I have just cleared. I plan to plant crocus, bluebell and snowdrops but need some inspiration for summer interest. What else can I plant which will give color in the shade ?

Hi Gerry, I would like to plant a tree or large shrub by the sea but something that the deer wont eat ?

We have been working on a rockery in our garden and to prevent soil from drifting down onto the rockery from above we thought a line of evergreen shrubs would be ideal. Could you suggest a low growing shrub which doesn’t need pruning for this area. It is a place that receives full sun. We … read more

Gerry, thank you for your response to my question on beech hedge I am helping plant pots for a restaurant courtyard. The restaurant will be opened in may I would appreciate if you could advise on possible combinations using what is currently in flower Any suggestions on unusual looking plants/flowers to include welcome. Regards, Mary … read more

Hi Gerry, we are just starting to design a fairly large garden. We live in a fairly windy area and sometimes get a slight frost. There are a few areas I would like to grow clusters of possibly 3 trees together. I particularly like evergreen trees, some with a bit of colour, I would be … read more

Can you please recommend a screen to cover a high wall at the rear of a long narrow garden, overlooked at rear? Privacy is an important goal. I would like year-round interest if possible.