I have bought a Crittal Greenhouse 2nd hand and need to replace a lot of glass any ideas where I might get some in the Bray/ South Dublin area

Can you recommend anyone who can erect a polytunnel near Tubbercurry, Sligo?

Had an idea to run by you. Could one recreate a greenhouse/polytunnel effect by training tomatoes and peppers vertically on a sturdy steel frame and draping it with plastic? Could you envisage improvising an otherwise expensive fruit cage? Trying to work out how to grow a few plants…

What can I plant in my glasshouse now 1st May. Bereavements took me away from gardening.I have sown Veg marrow yesterday as previous plants died of drought and frost. Never had a quince on my 10year old tree – and ideas??

I want to buy a green house but am hopeless with diy, can you tell me if there is a company that i can buy one off but they will also put it together for me.

The strong westerlies in Mayo ripped my Polytunnel to bits agian this December, 2yrs running now, so the time has come to think about Greenhouse. What would your advise be wrt to Strength and would something like what the Walton(UK) Polycarbonate Greenhouses be strong enough for Westport? Big investment so want to make sure it’s … read more

I would like to buy a greenhouse 8′ by 6′ approx. to start plants in winter and spring because there is very little growth here until June. Site is exposed. Not too expensive. Glass or poly? which is best? UV filter? What are the features/problems to be aware of? Where to buy and secondhand options

Just wondered if you could recommend a supplier for a 8×12 or 6×12 greenhouse. Is there a benefit/disadvantage to polycarbonate vs glass? Best siting for a greenhouse? First thing to do when its erected?

I recently got two fleece cloches in ALDI (the plastic ones were all sold out), in terms of what/how they protect against do the fleece cloches do exactly the same job as plastic or…

I set seeds in trays 3 weeks ago for tomatoes, melons, aubergines, cucumbers & peppers but they are not germinating. I have them in my glasshouse. Any idea what I did wrong?.

Im planning to buy a greenhouse im looking at some that use polycarbonate instead of glass do you know of the pro’s and con’s regarding both.

I would appreciate your advice i have a 3/4 acre field thats in the front of my house and looks unsightly i want to turn into a garden its very overgrown with heavy tufts of grass im putting up a poly tunnel i have been given but dont know the kind of plastic i need … read more

where can i get frames or can I make frames for tunnel. Recession times need to build a polytunnel can I use recycle material?

I have 2 top 10 electric propagators which I tried to medium success last year, I want to use just one this year but need to know when is it ok to remove a tray from it after germinating, a lot of stuff bolted last year which I want to avoid, but I can replace … read more

I recently acquired framework of a polytunnel. My question is do you know of any suppliers that supply the polythene to cover polytunnels.I am located in county Waterford.

I have seen Acacia cold frame is this good for beginners in small garden or can you suggest something?

I am thinking of investing in a Greenhouse / polytunnel but unsure which I should buy. I realise that the greenhouse will have more ventilation but what would you recommend. I’m considering something about 6 X 3 metres?

I am wondering about protecting my container plants, dahlias, bay trees, petunias, dianthus, etc, from frost over the winter. I have a large covered area that I could put them in but I am not sure if this would entirely protect them. Should I buy one of those plastic/temporary greenhouses and put them in this … read more

I need to find a supplier who sells heavy duty foil for polytunnels and greenhouses to change my own greenhouse before winter. My greenhouse was covered with something like that but due to weather little holes appeared, this is why I need something stronger. I don’t want to throw my wee greenhouse away, it has … read more

Recently I took a few cuttings from my plants in the garden. The cuttings themselves had some roots attached.I potted them up and watered and placed them in a make -shift cold frame.Question: Is this Cold frame idea a good way of trying to grow plants and if so what procedures should I take in … read more

My tunnel is about 8 years old and firm and good but I have awful algy on the outside. I have tried washing up liquid and Domestos bleach but the green algae (and black on the top) remains. Jeyes is not to be used on it (so the tin says) . Can you please suggest … read more

Gerry, Could you advise me as to where I could buy a greenhouse in Ireland? I am looking for a 10ft by 8ft. Thanking you, Mary