I tried to sow Creeping Thyme as grass alternative last August. I dug few inches off the existing clay soil, I added chicken manure and one layer of compost, 10-15cm of westland nutrient rich top soil, then seeds mixed with sand all around the garden but it wouldn’t germinate (weeds are doing great though…!). I … read more

I have a bright green moss invading my flower beds, it doesn’t seem to respond well to roundup, and picking is not very effective as there is too much to use as permanent workaround. Any ideas to kill permanently would be appreciated.

Can you please tell me what this flower is? It has returned again this year with no effort whatsoever.

We put sedum cuttings down on a roof 3 years ago, didn’t realise we had to feed the sedum, waiting for the show of colour last year combined with a very dull summer, there is a lot of moss in place. We applied seaweed on it last autumn which I will do shortly again. Just … read more

Have recently just fallen in love with gardening after never having done it before. I put in a large rockery (prob about 10M) and I have been busy planting away with summer flowers. My question is what are the best flowers to plant for autumn or seeds to sow. Have no idea what will last … read more

Two – level very overgrown garden. No topsoil or clay – only builder rubble, stones and sand.. Lower level sloping towards house with no retaining wall with wooden railing separating upper and lower levels. No access for mini digger. Two landscapers have said no to job with one saying it’s the worst he’s ever seen. … read more

Could you please identify this beauty which “appeared” in my garden some years ago. Evergreen “hairy” green leaves and dandelion like small orange flowers?

A small colony of ants have appeared all over the waste matter in my compost bin; are they a threat to the process or final compost?

Have a cobblelock path around house and had problems with moss last year. Scraped out moss and sprayed with roundup and came up very well, This year have a new weed and dont know how to treat, much harder to clear than the moss and looking for how to treat as spreading rapidly.

A recently purchased gentian has some white flowers, is this unusual?

Is this an indoor or outdoor plant and what conditions does it like. I have one in a pot indoors and once it finished flowering I didn’t know what to do with it. Can I plant it out ?.

I have a natural stone retaining wall and I am thinking of adding some wall flowers or perennials that would droop over the wall and give some added colour. I don’t want them to take over as the wall is very nice so I am thinking they would droop over no more than one foot … read more

I bought a small campanula which at the time was full of flowers. I have since repotted and the leaves are doing well but growing slowly, however the flowers are no more and don’t look like they are growing new ones any time soon. The plant is in a pot on a north facing balcony … read more

We have a small garden with a south facing patio. I have been looking for non-trade microdrip irrigation systems without success. Most garden centres store none or a very small selection and most web ordering sites with good selection deliver only to UK addresses. Any suggestion?

I sowed some Auricula seed I purchased at the RHS Malvern Show last year and have been successful in raising some plants. However, only two plants have produced flowers so far this spring. I fed them about twice in the last few months with tomato feed. They are in a cold greenhouse but have got … read more

Can you recommend dwarf alpines for north facing flower bed and a sunny flower bed please

I have cleaned off a rock area recently (no plants remaining) it was growing mainly gorse, wild heather and wild grass. However there are very fine roots still remaining in the soil and between the rocks which I cannot get at to remove. Would a weedkiller (ie roundup root killer) work or would you need … read more

I have an Ajuga reptans plant. Unfortunately, there is clover growing up through it and appears to be taking over. How do I get rid of the clover without harming the Ajuga?

I recently planted alpine perennials. I used layer of ericaceous compost in the ground on advice. Hebe leaves turning brown is it due to compost? Lots of crawling black flies in soil too perhaps that’s the problem? (not common blackfly look like crawling fruit flies)

I have a stone wall outside my house that divides my house from my neighbours and there is a hollow in the wall so I would like to fill it with some topsoil and set some flowers/plants. Could you advise what flowers/plants that I can set that would flower every year i.e. and also that … read more

Could you please recommend some flower seeds that can be planted between paving slabs. I particularly like a small purple flower that I have seen growing in crevices on walls but do not know the name of it.

again i have this plant that i would love to look up and find our a bit about it? Thanks collette

i got this plant as a cutting from a friend and would love to know a little beit more about it.

Planted loads of ice plants from cuttings over the past couple of years (small succulent looking leaves, purple flower)… all taking off nicely as ground cover. However, the recent cold makes them look very dead! Will they recover in the spring? Can you suggest alternative low ground cover for S facing slope, lots of sun, … read more

I bought alpines in tiny pots end of summer, waterfall feature now working. can i plant the alpines on the fake rocks and mixed real rocks NOW, how do i do it? they look a bit worse for wear. what happens if the pump or electrics break down and all is established in and around … read more

Hi Gerry, I’m from Portugal I have a rocky place and want to make a garden. The walls are very rocky and its very expensive to remove them. Should I cover it or tray to make the best of it?

Is it possible to rid a garden of Scutch Grass as it is growing and weaving it’s way through a layer of Mypex and Pink Granit.

have you suggestions for plants or flowers for a grave that gives colour all year round and that are easy maintenance low growing .there is an area of the grave about 12inches wide and six feet across where i can plant into the ground.the plants would have to be shallow roots as i am not … read more

Hi Gerry, I’m hoping to give some colour by planting the top and face of a drystone retaining wall. At present its covered by ivy on top with a few foxgloves on the face.Large trees above and grisilina hedge behind. Thanks in advance

Hi Gerry! Do you know where I could buy an old-style voilet plant (not African violet, or the wild violet)? Thanks !

Hi Gerry, I have been looking for a plant known as “Mother of Thousands” Saxifraga Stolonifera.tricolour. Can you recommend a garden center that might stock it or could it be available by mail order? I have tried National Garden Center in Kilquade; Johnstown Garden Center and some local ones without success.Any pointers would be greatfully … read more

Dear GerryWe have a new property in South-West France (Biarritz) which has two large concrete Jardinieres on the balcony. they have already been lined and filled with compost by the development’s landscapers. We expect to spend a week or so every couple of months there. Would you please have any suggestions how we could plant … read more

Gerry, I’m a new member. Name of a deep blue creeper found early summer growing over old walls etc.?