Can you please tell me when is best to prune this. I am getting conflicting advice on internet. It is about 15ft high and has really thrived but it needs some control. It has blossomed already. Do I wait till winter or can I cut back now? I don’t want to jeapordize next years display. … read more

we have four David Austin shrub roses very vigorous and floriferous. every may/june as they are growing strongly, branches which start from low down on the bushes fall over at the point where they grow from the main stem, and die. is it something i am doing when i pruned? with the heavy rain and … read more

I got the most beautiful bunch of cream and baby pink roses for Mother’s Day is it possible for me to grow from those particular roses and if so how do I go about it ie where should I cut it I have just acquired a greenhouse also so maybe start off there or am … read more

I got this rose bush as a present at the beginning of the Summer, so I don’t know what variety it is. It has been easy to look after so far (I have no experience) and has bloomed twice. I’m wondering what the best thing to do for it is now that the weather is … read more

After 35 years gardening I’m planning to make my first rose garden. I’m thinking of having a row of standards down the centre of a narrowing bed (1m wide by 10m), under- planted with other varities. Any suggestions on what to buy. I’m a complete rose novice!

The picture attached is a Galway Bay rose I planted late last year. It is growing well. My Dad (RIP) was always concerned about rose suckers. He said it was very important to remove them. The Rose Expert book says that “if nothing is done to check this growth then suckers may take over the … read more

When do you take clipping from roses to sow?

I bought a climber rose about 6 years ago and it used to flower with lovely red flowers. I’d cut it back every year. But over the last two years it’s gone very strange. Last year it had pink flowers and very few red. This year it’s just bolted and no sign of any bud … read more

I have 2 roses in a half barrel facing south. One is Dorothy Perkins and covered in mildew. It is growing slowly I have sprayed with Rose clear but no good?

I ordered a packet on line and arrived today with no instructions.

My dad died recently and we’re in the process of clearing his house. There’s a rose bush in front garden which my mother planted that I want to try and take as the garden is being paved. It’s an old bush but flowers beautifully each year, Turkish delight scent! What is best way to give … read more

Some of the stems on my Rosa rugosa are very thorny and some have very few thorns at all. Is this normal? Should I cut out the very thorny ones ?

Is it too late to prune roses in early March?

I received a gift of a rose bush but I am not sure how to plant it at this time of the year – any tips? things I should avoid?

I was at a wedding on Saturday ( three days ago) I was given a little rose to wear on a suit. I was wondering could I propagate this rose into a new plant? I have had it soaking in water for couple of days, thinking it might grow new roots. Is it possible to … read more


I purchased a mixture of roses, some climbers, eg. ARTHUR BELL and other non-climbing varieties. I aim to start a nice rose garden but am not sure if the climbing varieties can be planted alongside the other roses or do they need to be kept a certain distance apart?

I was given 2 small roses in pots for Mothers Day. They came from Aldi. But there was no instructions on how to care for them or whether they are indoor or outdoor. I have them indoors at the moment in bigger pots. They looked cramped. I have them on a sunny windowsill but after … read more

I have a small sunny front dublin city garden and I want to plant trumpeter roses . I want to add in another colour probably white or yellow. What rose would be good in terms of height and flowering to complement trumpeter. Also where do you recommend to buy the roses. Many thanks Mary gallagher

Can climbing roses be planted permanently in large pots or must they be sown into the actual soil

Do any readers know of a home cure or preventative for blackspot on roses. I have been using a proprietary brand but this year the blackspot has been very bad. My New Dawn has now lost all its leaves. Many of the hybrid tea roses look pretty sparse and even roses which have never had … read more

My rose bush’s new leaves have what looks like a white powder on them. See attached picture. Can you please advise what this is and how I might correct it?

I bought potted David Austin English roses a few months ago but never got around to planting them. Is it possible to plant them now and how far apart should i plant them ?

Would you please give me the names of two repeat flowering climbing roses?

Half my rose bushes have dropped their leaves already n 1 even has 2 flower stems yet no leaves? When would be good time to prune them this year?

I have a few roses that are now hidden by other plants and I’d like to move them to another spot. Any hints?

I want to dig up roses that have been growing in my mother in laws garden for the past 30 years and plant them in mine. I have been told they might not survive because they have been too long in the ground and this worries me can you guide me as to how i … read more

I have a large “Rambling Rector” rose which has been completely blown down in the wind, including the trellisses. Would it be possible to cut the whole thing near the ground? Will that kill it or will it grow back next year?

can i move a florabunda rose to the front of a border to plant taller plants at the back

I have a yellow rose for about 25 to 30years which has produced lots of beautiful scented flowers every year. This year it did flower but not quite as much but now one large branch with leaves have turned a copper colour very quickly and the rest of it seems to be starting to go … read more

I had a rambling rose that unfortunately got poisoned. (Dont ask ).It was a very overgrown rose. Alot of the stems and part of the bush has turned brown and can be cracked off since the poison. In parts of the bush it has been cut down to a foot off the ground. Do I … read more

I am wondering how to propogate an old wild rose bush and when is the right time to do so. They are very common and seem to be very vigorous. I have seen them in a variety of pink shades, a small rose, on very thorny branches.

I have recently planted climbing roses at the back wall in my garden and have feed the soil around the roses with organic farmyard manure, can you please tell me how often I should do this and at what time of year.

Please help. I have roses in containers in a tunnel an there is something eating the leaves it like you would take a snap out of an apple! What could it be? I know its not a snail!

I have mildew on most of my roses some gardeners say not enough water others say too much water can you tell me the cause?

I want to move some roses. Is it best to wait until the dormant season. do i prune before re-planting and what is the best soil?

We have some beautiful roses in pots and beds but this year several are only just opening and then dropping the petals. There is no obvious pest or damage.

Some of my tea roses seem to have been eaten or sawn across the leaves and stems and the stems have dropped off. It looks like the cut one would make with a scissors.I Live in a rural , wooded area. Can’t see any bugs etc around the plants.Can hares/rabbits do this?

I’m having a problem with one of my roses. It’s a David Austin, Gertrude Jekyll English rose and although I have lots of buds on the shrub, they appear to be going brown, the petals look like they become deformed and as it begins to open I can see it’s brown and dying inside. I’ve … read more

I got a very old rose bush from someone who had an old cottage. The Rose bush has not been taken care of for 20 + years. The rose bush had little to no root ball. It also had some/a lot of damaged shoots from harsh pruning or weather. I planted it the second they … read more

I have a climbing rose in a large pot under a roofed decking area. It is just flowering but I have noticed that some of the leaves have curled up and completely dried out. Is this a natural phenomenon or is there a problem with the plant? I water the pot regularly but the leaves … read more

I have a border with 3 rose bushes along it. james galway, constance spry and another white rose. Regards ,What would you suggest i plant alongside these roses ? or would you keep the border all roses and just add more of the same variety roses that is already there.

I have a very overgrown rambling rose in my back garden growing along the side which flowers lovely. I want to put up a fence along with bringing back this rose under control. Is it okay to prune this rose now and how far can i prune back without killing it off ?

i was given a single rose after president obamas speech in college green on monday, can i try and re root it,or how can i preserve it, would greatly appreciate your advice.

why are some of my roses not thriving.. the leaves are small and disfigured and yellow. some time ago i did find loads of greenfly on the roses as they were coming into leaf and sprayed accordingly.

I pruned my roses far too late, I have no sign of new growth yet. Will they be ok this year or have I done too much damage to them? I hope not any tips to help me make them recover?

I am thinking about planting a bed of roses but am not sure which type to use. I want to plant red and yellow roses. Can you advise if it is better to plant florabunda or hybrid tea roses. Which of these would give better effect. What type of rose would you recommend as there … read more

I have an old but beautiful rose on the south side of my house – my problem is that the house is going to be painted this summer and I will have to prune the rose back to its base – how can I do this and not lose this rose

Is it too late to prune roses, the always confuse me my sisiter told me to prune them right back is this right and feed them well is this right. 

I’ve been looking for the ice cream rose for a while now and have just bought four, could you please give me some advise on how to care for them properly.

We live in a very open area and i’m wondering if its possible to grow roses and what types.

I dug up some old bushes and shredded them i laid out a new rose bed planted new rose question would it be harmful to the plants if i spread the leaves over the rose bed.

I bought two climbing rose plants. my question is if i plant them side by side in the same hole. Will i get results in as far as growth is concerned?

I bought rose plants at a price i could not resist. the problem is i have no room at the moment in the question can i pot them for a month or two until i can transplant them in the garden.

I planted my rose bushes in late october or early november, they still look the same as when I planted them. How do I no if the frost and snow have killed them. Do i just wait and see and if so how long?

I bought four minatuare standard roses in octoberthe bad weather arrived i wrapped them in bubbleplastic and put them in shed they have gone limpleaves have become very soft to me their dyingi need your help one more thing iwatered them in early december they are still as wet as when i watered them i … read more

I feed my roses with chopped banana skins my queston would banana skins be harmful to my buxus plants

Several years ago I planted R. Kiftsgate at the base of an old oak tree at our gate and its now making a lovely show of flowers and hips. The trouble is I have recently read several references to the extraordinary vigour of this plant and am worried it could eventually overwhelm the oak. I … read more

Could I have done damage if I gave my rambler/ climbing rose a pruning now at the end of November? Think it is a rambler as new plant growth comes up from the base?

i have to replace roses that died in the same bed i have been told i will need to change the soil is there any way around this?

standiard rose stem. my question how to stop stem growth

I bought some standard roses and my question is will i get any growth from the stems?

I purchased rose climbers plants from lidl they were wraped in plastic so they have roots and very little shoots if any is it best to pot them and leave them in tunnel this time of year? Or pot them up and leave outside?

I want to plant rose hedging around my garden which is fenced with ranch rail fencing. We have maple trees planted which are doing as well as we would like. I have two very large red rose beds and would love to plant rose hedging can you tell me the best to go for I … read more

I would appreciate your advise on rose suppliers in Lenister area – who supply lots of different roses. We would also like to get one named after some one. Do you know of any companies who do this?

My father has built a pergola of the following approx. dimensions:22m long, 1.5 m wide, 2.5 m high. The spine of the pergola faces an East – West direction, so that one side of the pergola is facing north and the other south.I’m searching for a repeat flowering, fragrant rose of a pale or pink … read more

In your opinion what is the best red rose for a border.I need to plant 15

I have alot of roses and have come brilliant this year, but for one, it has not come at all no leaves buds size of a pea, I have spraid for blackspot & rust, could this rose be dead, or will it come next year

What’s the difference between ‘rambling roses’and ‘climbing roses?’ Or is there any difference? I am somewhat confused!

Can I train a rose to become a standard rose bush? I can not find but few in the garden centres and they are not impressive. I already have a red and yellow standard rose bought in Tipperary 3 or 4 years ago but want a pink, peach or white one also. Could a bush … read more

Can you tell me please, how do I recognise suckers on my roses. I have a few new stems which are purple in colour and very flexible. Also they are growing rapidly and are growing just above the root.

I have a wooden arbor( 8ft (H) 5ft (W) 3 ft (L)) Could you suggest some Rose names to cover both the Top and Sides , that is heavily scented, and gets full repeating summer blooms.

I have 14 rose bushes and 4 climbing roses. When do i prune each type of roses. Two of the climbing roses gave fantastic flowers early in the year but did nothing afte that, they are not dead but i am wondering if there is something i can do to bring them on.

I noticed something is eating my roses and also i have escollonia goldbrian that it eating also it takes bites out of leaves like a half moon a complete bite i have tried spray for blackspot etc and slug pellets it dont seem to work help?

How do i dead head roses?

About two months ago the leaves on my roses turned pink. “Rememberence”was hit worst. They have recovered but still looking a bit miserable. I planted some new roses “Trumpeter” 2months ago and now I see the edge of a few of the leaves turning pink. They have been sprayed reg with rose clear and last … read more

The stems of my 5 year old Zepherine drouhin rose which flowered beautifully for the first 2 years, now all bend over at the neck when the flowers are at the bud stage. The plant looks healthy otherwise with plenty of buds. What could be causing this?

I have healty looking roses, I prune & feed but they won’t flower, I get 1-2 flowers per year plant! they are planted now 3 years. please help, how can I get them to flower!

My sister lives near me and showed me her rose bushes today – they are all very weak ie leaves pale and some not opening. There are about 20 like this. It is not black spot or rust. Any ideas? I seem to have read recently about a new virus. Is there one?

I live in the country. A deer appeared in our garden and ate all of the leaves off of 3 rose bushes and an arbutus plant. Apart from the obvious damage of all of the leaves being gone, Will these bushes recover? Do I need to prune or treat them? someone told me that the … read more

I suspect that I forgot to prune my miniature rose bushes which are planted in open soil as there are not yet, at end of May, any buds appearing. Is the end of May a bad time to do a light pruning, or should I leave it until later in the season?

Being April will I damage my rose tree transplanting now?

I have an existing hedgerow a 100metres long comprising of beech, haw thorn, holly and a couple of copper beeches. There is also some kind of wild rose in it already that we just got cuttings put them in and hoped for the best.I was hoping to add some colour by adding a climbing rose … read more

I have Rosa Albertine (15 yrs old) growing on a metal fence for last 2 yrs and it is not thriving. It was previously on a wooden fence which had to be replaced. The rose was not moved and is fed and given a good mulch of well rotted manure every year. Does it dislike … read more

A person who has moved into her new home seems to have more than enough climbing rose, and alot of it is literally hanging down on the ground away from the does one take cuttings, i would like to use some to start it on a makeshift pergola, i am a complete beginner in … read more

I got a delivery of fresh horse manure two weeks ago I have it covered and was told that it will be ready to use between 3-6 weeks. Can I believe that? I saw very fresh manure covering rose bushes in Phoenix Park yesterday so maybe its ok to do it.

My roses are prone to blackspot. I have heard that spraying Jeyes Fluid into the soil helps to prevent this problem. Is this true and, if so, when would be the best time and method of doing this?

Can you suggest climbing roses suitable for light shade?

One of my standard Millenium roses was broken down with very harsh wind and rain in August. I was wondering can they still bepurchased and if not is it possible to propogatefrom one of my other millenium roses.

Do I prune climbing roses growing in a container against a patio wall the same as ordinary roses?

I am new to gardening and have beautiful rosebushes in the garden of the house we bought recently. My question is : I have planted some ground cover plants such as geraniums and they are starting to cover the base of the rosebushes. is that Ok or do I need to leave a certain perimeter … read more

My low growing rose bush is top heavy now with dead roses, should i dead head or prune severely now. Is there a way that i can stop this happening next year. It’s about 4 years old and was nice until this summer.

I have got some rose bushes and would like to know if cold tea is really good for roses?. 

I have nearly a dozen different rose bushes in my back garden this year i noticed a green caterpillar on the leaves. They have totally destroyed the foliage which turned yellow in places and died also they have eaten a lot of leaves was i right to prune down and remove all the diseased folliage … read more

i have a rose bed of whiskey mac roses.Is it okay to plant a climber compassion as a background in this bed?

I planted patio roses in my garden last year. There are lots of rose-buds on the top ready to open now. However the bottom branches are discoloured and not looking too healthy. I water regularly. Can you over-water, by chance?Is it possible that these small patio roses don’t do too well when planted in the … read more

When and how do I take slips off roses?

HiI’m the proud owner of a very old climbing rose, orignally grown in my great grannies home in Tipperary around the early 1900’s. It flowers once a year around early June, has many trusses of soft pink blooms with an incredible frangrance, and for the rest of the year does nothing except get every rose … read more

I moved an old rose bush 3 weeks ago and it is now wilting.I gave it a rose feed after i moved it. It was in a sunnier spot than it is now ,do you think this has caused the problem? Will it recover on its own?

Dear Gerry – I have a rose bed at the front of house for past 3 yrs with 8 rose bushes. They have been healthy & beautiful for the last few yrs but I think I may have cut them back too hard at end Feb/early March. Only 2 of them have started new shoots … read more

Hi Gerry, I am just back in the country and need to know is it too late to prune a rose tree. There is new growth and stands at about 8 foot all the new growth is at the top of the tree. I prune every year in early Spring to about 3 feet and … read more

I want to plant roses on a windy exposed site that is west facing. I want the roses to cover a low timber fence. Could you suggest a suitable variety that isn’t too thorny as the kids play in this area as well. Ideally a red flowering climber. Thanks

I want to plant a new hedge. Would Rosa Ragusa grow on an exposed site on the NW coast. How high will it get eventually. Do I have any other flowering hedge options. I want it to be native, and beautiful and preferably evergreen and about 4 foot high. It is to be at the … read more

I have a beautiful yellow – flowering rose called ‘Freedom’ which was given to me as a gift. I’m wondering if I can plant it in a large pot and train it up a very sunny wall by my front door?. I’m not sure if it is a climbing / rambling variety… If not, what … read more

I have roses planted along each side of my drive-way, but some are badly diseased and need to be removed. What kind of plant/s would be most suitable to put in the subsequent gaps?

My Arthur Bell rose throws very long stems, which sway over bed. Have transplanted one to a fence close to same species of the climber and seems to have become a climber itself but would like to retain the floribunda as bush rose. Cut back hard last two years but away it goes again by … read more

While spraying off a large area to prepare for new garden I came across this wild rose with furry balls growing directly from the leaves and stem sides. Attached is photo. I sprayed this area over a year ago with Roundup but didn’t get back till now. The plant may have survived this spraying as … read more

Hi GerryI have a climbing rose (Golden showers) that has rust. Is there any thing that I can do? or is the variety prone to rust

I just bought some new rosa rugosa and they are a little leggy and I was wondering when I could prune them.

I moved into this house 4 years ago and there was a rose bush outside, i don’t know how many years its been there, it is beautiful but i think it could be a climbing rose, it has grown very tall, it is a bit exposed and has no shelter, i have put bamboo sticks … read more

I know around November is the ideal time to move roses but my friend is moving house and will be gone by July. She has a beautiful yellow rose she cannot leave behind. If she moves it now by digging with minimum disturbance to root, should she cut it back first ? and what are … read more

Hi I recently purchased a standard rose (1 mth) which the garden centre assured me could remain in the pot for at least the summer, before either repotting or planting. While the buds are flourishing, the lower leaves are all exhibiting a problem – there are a lot of small holes developing on them. I … read more

Is there anything I can use to kill greenfly/whitefly on my roses other than Rose Clear? I have a lot of bees, butterflies and have just adopted 5 baby bunnies (increasing every few days!) and the mother and father and I am afraid that the Rose Clear will poison them all! Any help would be … read more

For a number of years, I have had a lot of trouble with blackspot on roses. I found the sprays did not work very well. Any solutions?