I have an area about half acre I am goin to trun into a Lawn Meadow with wild flowers. I notice some recommendations , before planting with wild flower seeds , to get rid of top soil to make soil less fertile bef. I plan to get a jcb in to move topoil. My qustion … read more

We are in the process of buying a house, that luckily comes with 1.5 acres of garden. The only problem is I have been told by a local that the area is quite boggy(foundations for house had to be pile driven). Apparently the current owner has been stuck with his ride-on mower while mowing the … read more

I have a small side garden that gets very little breeze and as a result water doesn’t drain from the grass. I am about to rotovate the grass beginning April and sow new seeds(are there coarse grass seeds?).Can you give me advice about subsoil, and how to get a better soakage system for the grass.

My garden turns into a swamp in winter. Water doesn’t seem to drain from the gass with the result that there is a lot of moss in the grass. There was plastic around the perifery of the garden which I have recently pulled up. It appears that the soil under the plastic is only muck. … read more

Outside my house is a lamppost with a rectangular area around its base, roughly 4′ by 2′ & about 6 inches deep with compacted soil. It is a very exposed site & drainage is poor when rain is heavy. Have you any recommendations for a plant(s) that could survive here to make it a more … read more

Basically I’m looking for advice on how to best appraoch my garden. I know nothing about how to manage or maintain a garden.Also Money is very limited.I buit a house 2 years ago. The garden is about 2 thirds of an acre. When the house was finished we had the garden leveled but we never … read more

What can I safely plant over a septic tank percolation zone (approx 40×25 metres) without interfering with its function? The area is unshaded, exposed to all winds and naturally low lying, always damp and sometimes boggy. There is no opportunity for additional drainage, nor resiting the tank or soakaway. Thankfully the installation works well inspite … read more