I am planning on purchasing a lean-to glasshouse. It is a very exposed site beside a lake, subjected to strong winds. What type of glass would you recommend? Is there a strength difference between safety & horticultural glass?

Hi I have north facing garden, where is best location for greenhouse, bottom right hand side 1/2 of garden gets most of light during the day (from back door)

When putting up a polytunnel it says put it up east to west , does this mean the ends with the doors should be east west or the long sides ?

I would like to invest in a polytunnel but am a bit worried that it might blow away (as happened to our trampoline along with its protective net, a few years ago). How can I minimise the chance of the polytunnel blowing away? What is the recommended orientation of a polytunnel, North-South, East-West ?I believe … read more